Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Knowledge Is Dropped, Edify Yourself for the New Year! - 12/30

There was a video of a Nightline segment about single, successful Black women. Then came a discussion about Black women holding themselves back from finding love...

Rather than discuss the current topics, I'd like to speak on what I believe got us to this point. I call it "The Schism of the Lost Years: The Division of the Black Man and Woman, and its effects on the Black Dating and Family Dynamics." It begins with the end of the Civil Rights movement, a time in which we were at one of our strongest points, and had coalesced in a revolutionary manner. We had leaders, martyrs, and role models. We were a people. However, all of that became misplaced once we had been appeased. Such dedication and power became aimless...the strong Black men began to fall prey to the toxic lull of power...they felt invincible and began to live as such...prompting them to delve into drug dealing, among other things. At the same time, Black women, who were feeling empowered and beautiful, were beginning to see how White women were treated(through being in proximity since they were being integrated), as their husbands began to change. White women were submissive, and their husbands did sometimes beat and/or mistreat them; couple that with the "strong Black woman" label being plastered on them, and the recipe for their independence was in place. As man became invincible and indispensible, and the woman became independent, the schism began. She wanted her own, and since the Black man was becoming a commodity, he let her go, assuming (arrogantly so) that there were more fish in the proverbial sea. And so, the division began. And from there, it has dilapidated to this.

Then someone spoke on women being fed the ideal of 'independence' and such...

And the Black women I described in my comment latched on to that ideal they were fed. White women wanted to be equal to men, but only in a political sense. Once they got the right to vote, they went right back to their normal roles. Black women wanted to be literal EQUALS to Black men, so that they could be as independent as a man, as powerful as a man, etc. As you said, they are now laying in the cold a$$ bed they made. No straight man wants to date another man, and since you're acting like a man, he's going to treat you like one: as a FRIEND. THAT'S why successful women don't get far. You're on his level to the point that you're like one of the guys. You've lost your femininity. Sure those women are beautiful and successful, but are they actually womanly? Are they still tender, loving individuals? Can they do the tradition "cooking and cleaning?" Can they still appreciate what a man does if they're doing it, or even doing it better? Answer those questions in your head, I'm sure you can. There's nothing wrong with being independent, but you HAVE to know what that means. That means you don't need anyone. That means you are alone, and do for self. A single woman is looking for a man, but an independent woman is looking to supplant a man. Let's get some understanding!

Let's go one step further...Black women are latching on to "independent" like they did "strong Black woman." They are trying to live and fulfill that title, as though it is the purpose and light of their existence. All you hear is "oh I'm independent, I don't need a man." Well if you don't need one, how can you get one? LADIES NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT AT THE VERY CORE, MEN NEED TO BE NEEDED! IF HE DOESN'T FEEL AS THOUGH YOU NEED HIM, HE WON'T STICK AROUND! A man has to be a man, which is why some get offended when the woman won't let them pay for the date. Men are more fragile than women think...and to deny his manhood hurts. You can turn a gent into a manwhore like that. Stop supplanting your need to be loved with a desire to be that which is supposed to love you! MOST SUCCESSFUL BLACK WOMEN WANT OUT OF A MAN WHAT THEY HAVE, SINCE THEY'RE BASICALLY THE SUCCESSFUL MAN THEY DESIRE! Their ambitions are taking Black men out of the equation, especially since there are fewer and fewer Black men!

I know good and well that there are some prodigious Black women out here waiting to bless a man with all the spectacular things they have to offer. I'm just speaking on the types that were in the video, the ones that are literally inhibiting their own dating lives. I'm usually speaking in general terms, unless otherwise noted. That video almost brought a tear to my eye because it pained me deeply to see that these women were downing themselves and starting settle partially because we as Black men have completely dropped the ball.

I'm only going in on Black women because that's what this is about. I could go on for days and days about Black men, although our problems are simple. For one, there aren't enough men. Too many boys and aimless lads, to be frank. Second, we're too arrogant. We believe we can have it all, so we try to, and put marriage aside. Third, their aren't enough marriages for our young men to truly understand the sanctity of marriage. Four, our young men are so enthralled with money and culture that they've become blind to the true riches: love family and happiness. And five, men in general are too focused on the masculinity of being a man, rather than the responsibility and accountability of being one. Those are the five points. Either we fix them or things stay the same.

And that's the extent of what I've said...please do comment or "like" or whatever else it is you feel compelled to do, lol. This will not be up for too terribly long, as I'll delete if off when I feel you're all done with it; Facebook can own anything I post, as far as Notes. Can't have that. haha.

-A. Lewis

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Freestyle Piece: Don't Rush... - 12/29 (from 12/22)

"When you open your legs in haste, pursuing a relationship becomes a waste; once the deed is done, the desire is gone. No longer is there angst and anticipation; rather there is only the dissipation of communication. Once drawn together, the two begin to repel; lust can attract them, but only for a spell. Soon, the truth begins to show; feelings that were threaded are now being shredded as you reap what you sew."

-A. Lewis

A Philosophy: The Universe and Lies - 12/29 (from 12/18)

As many of you may or may not know, I believe the Universe is a woman. Most of you only know her persona, Karma. Lol. The surest sign that she is a she is the concept of lies. As with any woman, the Universe gives any and everyone all the rope they need to hang themselves. To lie is to attempt to bend reality in a most capricious manner. Our own whims are not nearly enough to change what is going on around us. However, that is the most common human action outside of the involuntary ones. We do it, and do it, and do it. Thinking that we can continually get away with it. Never do we realize that we are only perching ourselves higher and higher, which will make the bottom falling out much more severe. Lies build up on themselves, each lie requiring another and another. This is because reality has a flow…and to create your own goes against that flow. So, you must keep telling lies to maintain the verisimilitude of your flow, while reality builds up around it. The most stunning part of lies though, is the punishing nature of them…there is a threshold, a point in which you tell more lies than you can handle. Yet, you can’t tell the truth, because hanging yourself is painful. And so you are forced to deal with the incessant righteousness of your scruples. It is most evident that there is NOTHING successful about a lie. Either it will get to you, or reality will. There’s no way around it. It may seem easy in the short term, but very seldom is a lie a short-term occurrence. So don’t subject yourself to the Universe…she may be kind, but she knows how to teach a lesson (see Karma).

-A. Lewis

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A Freestyle Piece: The Aftermath - 12/15 (from 12/14)

"Time feels like a neverending hourglass...even now, hours passed, what we did isn't yet a part of our past...the present presents itself as though we had some amount of though we knew this would be the conclusion...fate and scorn's collusion has left us with a devious illusion...we see a bravura of love, yet live in a cataclysm of doesn't change a heart, only the game..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: The Bed - 12/15 (from 12/13)

"You can lay in a bed, but you can't sleep...every man you f*ck is another reason for you to weep...sheets wet with pleasure, pillows drenched with tears...that makes for a cold bed, shunning every whimper it want more for yourself, but the bed knows you best...keeping you from putting the past to you feel alone, since he's all you got...seems like all you can do is give him all you're not..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Scorn's Maze, Hurt's Scars - 12/15 (from 12/13)

"I left my desires at the beginning...wall. I try to do right, but there's no winning...wall. I don't have much energy left to fight...I may just leave this as some other man's ship to right...your insecurities run an insurmountable range, while your past brings up walls that continually change...your past is your present, which leaves no left those scars but no one man can be the suture."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Come Real - 12/15 (from 12/12)

"I want to love you past your more than make it rain...I'm not chasing fame...I just want to change your last name...I'm trying to come real...and be honest about how I feel...I'm trying to come I can close the deal. You're used to lies and dirty banter...I'm here to show you real candor...What I present is unusual, like something you've never known...It's time for you to meet a man that's grown."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Chess - 12/15 (from 12/12)

"We're simply pawns in love's game...whether moving like rooks or bishops, the goal is the same...I don't want to be your white knight, but instead your black I need to make that move for my black queen...who else could my soulmate be? You're the only one to ever checkmate me...checkmate me..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Interference - 12/15 (from 12/9)

"I was in the clear, I was doing just fine...then something happened that threw off my mind...thoughts weren't the same, they lost their coherence...I could no longer focus, your heart was running interference. There was no more me, it was all about we...I lost view of the present looking forward to what could be...the shrouds over my heart lost their adherence...I lost control, your heart was running interference."

-A. Lewis

A Philosophy: Differences - 12/15 (from 12/8)

"Men are simply arduous, while women are arduously simple. This is why when the 'feeling out' process is difficult, but love is a perfect fit.Women tend not to realize that men, while simple on the surface, are very complicated...they need to be needed and accepted, which impacts much of what they do. Men tend not to realize that women while complicated on the surface, are simple at heart...they just want to be loved, which also impacts what they do. Men desire the acceptance of fellow men, which causes their perceived stupidity, see 'passing up Ms. Right for Ms. Right Now.' Men also have to deal with their hormones, aka the 'other head.' That alone causes problems. Most importantly men need to be needed...they love to feel important, to feel as though they are in control. This causes the most problems. Women on the other hand, have to deal with problems all stemming from their desire to be loved. When they get hurt, they believe they'll never be loved, and turn to either degrading themselves (becoming a whore), or holding it against all guys. When they can't find love, they become impatient, either running in and out of relationships or simply staying away from them. Most importantly, when love presents itself, they typically don't know how to handle it, since they've likely gone through one or more of the aforementioned problems. These differences make the 'feeling out process' difficult, yet make love a perfect fit. The contradictory property of this relationship is what makes it so is the antithesis of the other, yet these antipodes mesh once given time to connect. The key to having them coalesce though, is understanding. You must understand the mindset of the person you are pursuing, and allow for it to change, grow, and most importantly, err. If you can understand the reasons behind someone’s actions, you are one step closer to being able to come together with that person. We are all born with flaws…our goal is not to find someone flawless, but to find someone whose flaws complement our own. Quote that, believe it, live by it.”

-A. Lewis

December Quotes

"A calm person is not one that is devoid of problems, but rather one that accepts them and is confident in his/her ability to handle them."

"To silence a voice that rings loudly is pointless; it shall ring on, to soon take residence in the hearts and minds of those that can harmonize with it."

"Strength of character is the fortitude it takes to stand against the gales of life."

"One of our greatest follies is to attempt to define greatness; to be great is to have no definition at all."

"To protect and to defend are two different things...the country that so confuses or even convolutes the two will be doomed to have a misguided military and will forever contribute to the greatest evil in the world: the notion of strength as a means of power, fear as influence, violence as a quietus."

"Somewhere out there, far beyond society and understanding, lying at the end of an expedition that is all too demanding, is greatness. Forged of unwavering tenacity and adversity infernal, the path is not to be sought; it is internal. It is not a destination, but instead a home; reserved for those that exceed the world's expectations while meeting their own."

-A. Lewis

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Freestyle Piece: You - 11/30 (from 11/29)

" are a beacon...a shining ray of hope...the lighthouse to the choppy seas of my outlook on love...whenever I should feel as though I am lost or that I am falling prey to a tempest, I look to are the impetus behind my me hope that what I do is not in vain...a validation for my lifestyle...most could not appreciate you properly, but I do...strictly from afar."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Shallow - 11/30 (from 11/27)

"I could call you beautiful, but you already know that...I want to see the real you, but you refuse to show that...instead you act smug, as though Jesus bequeathed your body and face to my eyes...I guess when it comes to you, in plain sight is where the surface lies. You're just a material girl that knows no better...all you do is want and buy, using every guy with the mindset to 'go get her'...the pain of the past is a stain that will last, and unless you change fast, the pain will become chains clasped. By the time enough time has passed for you to realize that you need to let the past pass, time will have passed you by, with Mr. Right as a frequent passerby. Your scars are open and deep...however, you do not see this future...instead of allowing time to run it's seaming course, you force your vanity into being the suture. An upward nose and pedicured toes cannot begin to hold what your attitude sews. But rather than heal the pain, you make other men feel the man can seal the pain so they are all forced to reel in pain; but that's not the only thing that hurts. They dig deep within you, trying to get past the cover of the proverbial book, and viciously smack into the floor, realizing there's nothing deeper than your looks."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Victim of Winter - 11/30 (from 11/19)

"Peacoat, skully, leaves falling...the flash of street lights passed are like memories of the past; frozen in time, frozen in mind...the bone-chilling wind rips through clothes like the gales of regret rip through those...those with weak constitutions that allow hindsight to create convolutions...creating mixed...and often confusing feelings while one is left kneeling...a victim of winter."

-A. Lewis

A Philosophy: The Cyclic Nature of Life - 11/30 (from 11/15)

"Life is cyclic. This is why we hear 'If we don't learn from history, we're bound to repeat it.' And even when we realize that, we hardly ever take action to break the cycles we're stuck in. Life may be unforgiving, but it isn't unrelenting; epiphanies are nothing more than life breaking you out of a cycle that you didn't break yourself out of. Here's the caveat though: epiphanies usually come either right before or right after the 'point of no return.' This is never more apparent than with relationships. For men, it's usually the cycle of hurting women; sleep around and sleep around until they've done it all, just to realize that they passed up Ms. Right just to go sleep with Ms. Right now. For women, it's that trail of scorn; get hurt by one man just to make the rest pay...then, down the road, realize that they've wasted time and missed good men just because a fairytale (that was never going to come true) didn't come true. Speaking of fairytales, this is the reason why we love them: they show pleasant breaks from the cycles of life,free from all of the obstacles presented in the day-to-day flow of things. The telltale sign of life's cyclic nature though, is in the difference between movement and progress. To be stuck in a cycle means that you are indeed moving, but you are not progressing; you are simply going through same situations over and over, rather than moving forward toward newer and better things. I now implore you to take a good look at your life, especially young ladies. If something is continually happening, it is time that you take action to stop it. If you want a 'good man,' take steps to stop finding/attracting/dating bad ones. The future is the future, because life is always subject to change. Take control, and break some cycles!"

-A. Lewis

November Quotes

"Revenge is much like a virus: it grows stronger as it it harbored, it spreads through being felt, and has to run its course, as it resists medication, i.e. logic and common sense. Wash your hands free of grudges and such with cleansing soap of is the only way to prevent that crippling sickness."

"For every consequence, an accomplishment."

"Not everything will be a learning experience, so we must seek to experience learning in everything."

"Discern between moving and progressing: without a goal, there can be no progress. Progress is the advancement of one's position, in relation to a goal, or just general betterment. Many people simply move, traveling with no direction, no aim, much like a nomad in the desert of diffident lack of ambition."

-A. Lewis

A Philosophy: Reality, Truth - 11/30 (from 11/10)

"In life, the truth is always reality. I have already written about how we avoid reality, i.e. holding on to the past and continually looking toward the future. A lie is nothing more than an attempt to bend reality to our whims, a capricious declaration of the fact that we did not want to face the truth in a situation, or did not want someone else to do so. That being said, no matter your intentions, to base anything on or off of a lie is to set yourself up for failure, as the truth a.k.a. reality will always prevail in the end. Even if you are trying to shield someone from a truth that you deem too rough for said individual, that's not your call; you can't keep someone from reality. In trying to do so, you will only make the truth that much harder, and make yourself seem like a lying snake. The truth hurts, but lies kill; telling the truth merely hurts someone, while lying kills that person's thoughts of you, their visions of the truth, and their perspective on the entire situation. This is why the saying goes, 'don't ask for forgiveness, just ask for understanding.' And as I always say: 'To lie is to subject yourself to the truth (reality), while to tell the truth is to subject yourself to lies...the choice is yours.' Go forth now with this choose which of the two judges your actions."

-A. Lewis

Song Ideas from November

"I know that things are rough right now, but there's no perfect time in love; I'm willing to fight for you, because I know that I'm in love; I want this forever, never again findin' love; let's build under this pressure, and forge ourselves a diamond love."

"Strong with a lot heart, confident and so very smart, walks with so much verve and poise, I bet she stuns these boys, like a runway girl, like a runway girl..."

-A. Lewis

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Philosophy: Perfection and a Propensity - 11/7/09

"We are all perfect. Everyone. Any and all people walking this Earth. We are all perfectly human. However, it is our innate propensity to find imperfections that causes us to believe otherwise. This is why you see more crimes making the news than philanthropic happenings, why people will traduce before they compliment, and why we complain and are neglectful rather than happy and thankful. A hater is someone that is a slave to said propensity, while technology is a positive externality of it. Confidence is really just the acceptance of the fact that you are perfectly yourself, a manifestation of your mindset. Conversely, people that have low self-esteem are those that allow that propensity to eat away at them. The sooner we all isolate and either mitigate or eliminate that notion, the sooner we can all feel better about ourselves, uplift our brothers and sisters, and co-exist in a happier and more peaceful rapport. Just something for you to really think about!"

-A. Lewis

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Philosophy: The Cosmic Fountain - 11/4/09

"In life, there is no glass, so there's none of that 'half-empty, half-full' nonsense. There is only a cosmic fountain, one that spews forth occurrences and happenings based on the thoughts, feelings, emotions, or simply the life you feed into it. If you should choose to put such negativity as hate, jealousy, etc, into it, that is exactly what shall be rained down upon you; this cosmic 'water' becomes denser as you feed more negativity, and this is why you see people spiral into depression and such. Dense waters make it an arduous task for life and it's course to flow. Conversely, if you put positivity into it, positivity will flow forth. This is not to say that nothing negative will happen, as there will always be a balance. However, positive life waters are clear and light, allowing for events to flow as free as the spirit that influences them. Do not pollute the waters of your life...stay away from such flippant frivolities as jealousy, envy, hate, and the like; all they will do is bog you down. And as with any water, life can become stagnant...and at that point, you risk drowning in the deep seas of regression and complacency. So my friends, begin the purification of your lives. Let go of negativity, and be as positive as can be. The tides in life change, but your course remains the same: reaching happiness. When life's hard, there are no lifeguards, only diehards. Clear your waters and swim freely...the oceans of opportunity are endless!"

-A. Lewis

Monday, November 2, 2009

A Philosophy: Life and a Pillow

"Life can be like a pillow. Comfortable for awhile, some periods better than others. There are uncomfortable times as well; it is at those times where we need to flip to the other side to feel the refreshment. There is no better example than when we feel as though we've missed out on someone. Rather than feel sad, flip it over; it's very likely that there are people that feel like they missed out on you."

-A. Lewis

Late October Quotes - 11/2/09

"Stagnation is but the infancy of regression."

"In life, it is our unspoken duty to learn lessons from our mistakes, so as not to repeat them and prevent others from doing the same; Karma is the Universe's way of teaching us a lesson when we either need to or simply didn't learn one."

-A. Lewis

A Philosophy: Gripping the Intangible - 11/2/09 (from 10/28/09)

"We as people live in constant fear of the responsibility of the present, which leads to constant (sometimes innate) pessimism, and causes us to do the most idiotic of things: grip the intangible. We hold on to the past because we can see it clearly (through the 20/20 vision of hindsight) and it is set in stone, yet no longer reality; whatever goes wrong, we can see it, yet feel no repercussions. We can even hypothesize what could've happened, which allows for one to quasi-live in the past, though it cannot be literally inhabited. We hold on to hope for thefuture, as we can envision it to be as great as we like, and if something goes wrong with the vision, there are no repercussions; even if our views are preposterous and farfetched, there is the optimism of the possibility of occurrence that allows for an escape from reality. No one can usurp such thoughts, which is why we revel in them. However, it is pure idiocy to live in an unreal place in which one has no control. We cannot control the future, nor can we change the past. One is set in stone, the other is fickle and subject to change. The only in-between is the present, the only place in which we can control what goes on. However, we do not like to take responsibility for our actions, which is why we live in the past/future. The present is unforgiving; repercussions shall come, no matter what. It is up to us to choose what we reap tomorrow, by choosing what we sew today, keeping in mind the past weavings of our own, and of the world."

-A. Lewis

A Philosophy: Where Men and Women Live In Relationships - 11/2/09 (from 10/26/09)

"Men live in the future, lying and cheating so they 'don't get cheated on first,' while women live in the past, playing games with current men because past men have hurt them deeply. However, relationships take place in neither of those places. Relationships should be predicated on the past (based on lessons learned from past mistakes), constructing a better mutual future (so that no matter what happens, both parties benefit from the time spent), and most importantly enjoyed in the present (tomorrow is never promised). You can't live in the past, as while you may see everything clearly, you cannot change any of it. You can't live in the future, as it is a place that may never even exist; it is and always will be subject to change. To live in either place is to live in fear of what the present has to offer, though the only place in which we can literally live is the present. We must use our knowledge of the past and hope for the future to shape our now."

-A. Lewis

Hearts Made Fonder - 11/2/09 (from 10/20/09)

What do you do when a person is no longer sensory...once a mainstay but now a simple memory...never in your grasp but now too far away to touch, only absence could show she meant so much...a friendship fallen victim to distance, spread apart with no resistance...she's in another place while time and space can't free your mind of her face...didn't know you loved her 'til she was gone, and now she's just an imprint in your memory foam. Life ran its course, hands were forced. The hands of time contrived to arrive in the nick of time and like a lick of lime, you were left with a bad taste in your mouth; her presence was prodigious, yet you never paid it attention because of its perceived omniscience...but once paths diverted from one another, attention was diverted to the hole...the gaping aperture that was left by the departure of your thoughts toward her...and with no way to compensate, angst and sorrow begin to pool. 'If only I had known' comes to mind, but one would've had to mine their mind to find the kind of state of mind it would take to admit ingratiated feelings...and so, now that absence makes your heart grow fonder, you realize that presence made your heart go wander."

-A. Lewis

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Topic: Women That Become So Driven They Lose Their Femininity - 10/24/09 (from July though)

Men are inherently egotistical, while females are inherently defensive. The prevailing of either, or both, of these traits is typically at the root of a relationship gone bad, for the prevailing of these traits creates a deep insecurity; as Ms. Cotton has said, insecurity is the killer of relationships. As I said in the other video on this topic, I think that men and women alike need to be more self-effacing. We need to submit ourselves not only to God, but to ourselves. For a man, if he can humble himself to the point of putting himself before his ego, he will be able to accept a driven woman, or a woman that wins more bread than he. For a woman, if she can humble herself to the point that she can accept a man being there for her, she won't have to worry about feeling subservient, for a good man will appreciate her drive and respect her ambitions.

Once a man and woman have humbled themselves, both are vulnerable; however, because they have both humbled themselves, they can respect each other's positions since they have experienced the same process. At that point, any affection is backed my mutual respect, which can breed a good, pure love. Just my thoughts.

This was my response to a video on advising women that it's ok to be a traditional woman:

I would also like to say this about women: I think this problem would go away if they were more self-effacing. There's nothing wrong with being driven/career-oriented, but if you feel like you're losing your femininity, then you should take it upon yourself to humble yourself. Much like a man has to walk the line between confidence and arrogance, a female has to walk the line between femininity and over-dedication to ambition. However, a man will be able to accept you, flaws and all. If your deepest flaw is not being all too feminine, he should be able to accept that. If he cleans and you cook, he can accept you without makeup, and you two are happy, then there's no need to be more feminine. You must stay true to yourself...that's REAL femininity. Some men have a problem with driven women because being driven is supposed to be a 'men's thing.' BS. That's just insecurity on his part.

Once again, these are just my thoughts, and I thought I'd share them. Hope you enjoyed!

-A. Lewis

Monday, October 19, 2009

Infidelity - 10/19/09

"Infidelity is like a storm: no matter how sudden it is, there were conducive conditions; no matter the intensity, it still happened and has effects; the longer the duration, the worse the aftermath; sometimes there are sparks (lightning), and other times it is meant to make noise (thunder); the sun always comes out afterward...sometimes revealing rainbows, sometimes revealing devastation."

-A. Lewis

One Of My Personal Manifestos - 10/19/09

"I keep tears on my shoulders and hope on my back, my eyes on the future so I never look back; the past is in my heart while the present is in my hands, the mind of a philosopher but the soul of a man."

-A. Lewis

October Philosophies - 10/19/09

"Violence is inevitable, yet unnecessary. The only thing in this world that necessitates violence is the inevitable escalation of a situation given the propensity of the human mind to one-up someone once compromise seems unlikely, unreasonable, or simply a hassle. When our minds cannot settle, they become dominant; at that point, they take the course of escalation; argue, traduce, juxtapose, threaten, action. And when we can't dominate, we eliminate."

"It is said that 'Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.' Well, money is power. Ergo, money corrupts. Think about the the things people do for money, and how bad they want it...think about the lengths people that have money will go to just to keep it. Most importantly, this is why you see people stick with jobs and not careers; jobs pay money, careers pay enjoyment and fulfillment. Think about it."

"Patience is the equilibrium of anticipation and restraint. That being said, we mustn't anticipate so intently. It is one thing to prepare, and another to insinuate. Conversely, we mustn't restrain to the point of utter docility; nothing in life is given, and to wait is to subject events to time and its unforgivingly impersonal course."

"In our lives, our energy flows. Be it positive or negative. Stress is but energy backup, which is why you have to let things go and keep it moving sometimes."

-A. Lewis

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Another Axiom - 10/6/09

"A knowledgeable man gives advice; a wise man lives advice."

-A. Lewis

The Good Man's Manifesto - 10/6/09

"Such a beautiful woman with a precious soul; I see dents and scratches, signs of the previous holders of your sterling heart. It is tarnished, and at the risk of it being broken, you keep it locked away. Oh how I beg for an opportunity...I can promise you I will wash your soul with a love so pure, I shall expunge the ingrained marks of past men and polish your heart, so that the world can see it shine as it should."

-A. Lewis

An Axiom - 10/6/09

"Actions are but reflections of our thoughts; judgments are but reflections of our vices and personal expectations."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle - 10/6/09

"Every time I find a young lady I believe I should fight for, she simply turns out to be another that I'm not right for. I guess it's never hunch time, gotta eat the truth like it's lunch time, need a Nestle watch 'cuz I'm always on crunch time, have to act before the girl is stolen like a spot in the lunch line, but I always lose to the klepto, try not to get attached since I always have to let go, need to figure out my offense though I've never had an ex and don't mess with O's (ho's), I'm tired of only X's, I'm trying to get some O's."

-A. Lewis

October Randoms - 10/6/09

R.I.S.E. A.B.O.V.E. - Risk Is a Small Externality in Achieving the Best and Overall Vivacious Experiences.

"Realization of self is simplification of life."

-A. Lewis

Philosophy - 10/6/09

"Many people in this world are behind in their thought processes. You must realize that there is something happening at every moment, every second you live, whether or not you are involved in the occurrence. That being said, you never know what may affect you. Most people say they 'think ahead.' Thinking ahead is really thinking on time. To truly think ahead, one must prepare himself for any and all situations, no matter how preposterous, and be cognizant of not only the consequences of his actions, but the effects of the consequences as well. Ready is not enough; one must be prepared for everything, yet expect nothing. This is the equilibrium that makes for a halcyon mind."

-A. Lewis

A Converse Truth - 10/6/09

"There is never a right time to do something wrong, but there is never a wrong time to do what's right."

-A. Lewis

Winter Appreciation - 10/6/09

"Deep within the recesses of your heart burns a flame; a flame that keeps me warm on days such as this. When I hold you close, I feel a warmth that nothing on this earth could bring; your love is so wonderfully sublime. Your love insulates me from the real world, snuggling me in the cozy cove of your thoughtful affection. Nothing else feels better than taking refuge in your endless care, and I love you for having me."

-A. Lewis

A Little Something To Live By - 10/6/09

"Much of what we experience isn't tangible for a reason: when it's good, we can immerse ourselves in it mentally; when it's bad, we can transcend it spiritually."

-A. Lewis

Monday, September 7, 2009

Pieces Of A Man...Early September Posts - 09/07/09

I...I find it hard to hug you...for my dreams and desires to be here, in a tangible scares me. To clearly see what I've wanted, and now have it literally within my grasp is beyond my scope of understanding...your existence baffles me, yet I cannot deny that it betters my dear, I am but a young man, still learning and growing...but you, you are a woman...majestic, beautiful, and understanding.

To see who I am, you must see who I'm not...I do not exist as me explicitly, there is an implicit duplicity, a subtle duality that you mustn't see as a fallacy. Whether expressing feelings or just having playful banter, know that I always speak in candor. Despite my best efforts to do right, I can sometimes be wrong, and that's when your understanding must come along; I'm not yet Mr. Perfect, but I am Mr. Worth It.

I mean nothing perverse, but how about we put things in reverse, you get inside me, even get behind me, then go straight for my walls, knocking at them until they all fall, and then to you I come, drip drip as the water runs, you'll have me open wide, then you go back inside, this time coasting to the end, this how I became your lover, but how you become my girlfriend.

Explanation of the above: It's a play on the entire experience: of course, the guy did all those things in a sexual manner ("come...drip drip" is akin to a woman actually "cumming" [sp. check] aka dripping) which is "how he became her lover." However, he asks for a metaphorical reversal, where she gets inside his head, supports him (gets behind him), knocks the walls around his heart down. At that point the real him "comes," dripping tears, as he has been opened as a person. As she continues to get to know him ("go back inside") they fall in love.

I'm playing some melodies, wishing someone would come mellow me, but I mean that so mellowly, she has to enter so carefully, since my defenses are tough apparently, and she doesn't have to care for me, as long as she can care for we, then I shall care for thee, open up the air for thee, so that thou can fly so merrily, then ask thou to marry me, so that I may carry thee, to the land of ecstacy, giving thee the best of me.

How could I help myself? What did you expect me to do? I am but a descendant of Adam...I may have constitutions as a man, but you are like that proverbial perfect...I just had to have you...and if I am condemned, I may rest knowing I tasted the flesh of an angel on this measly hodgepodge of dirt and water we call Earth...I was able to feel purity...oh how holy it sweet sin.


No punishment Lucifer could offer could even come close to matching or even supplanting the pleasure you gave was like making love to the essence of pure love, unadulterated and uncensored....I felt as though I had died, gone to heaven, and my soul was being cleansed by God himself. If only that had been the case...instead I bathed in sin, ... Read Moreusing the soap of philandering...oh how dirty it feels to know the truth of what I've done. The truth may set you free, but it only freed me from the ecstacy of my actions, just to be fettered by the consequences of said actions. It matters not though...I was bound to sin, being that I am a man...and so I could only thank the Lord that I sinned so beautifully...your hair was like Egyptian cotton, skin softer than a cloud but skin more inviting than a fire-warmed log cabin in the middle of the blizzard-ridden Canadian wilderness. So I ask could I resist?


Resistance was were a vision of beauty, paragonic in every way...and as a man, my eyes speak more to me than my common sense...I failed to yield to my better judgment. You were there, willing, and so was I, and from there my other head took over. I knew it was wrong, but the wrong was lost in the rite of passage...if Adam could do it, ... Read Moreand condemn the entire sex, how could I resist? You didn't help. Glowing with a light that drew me in like a mosquito...and may not have sucked your blood, but I surely did get my fill of it. I knew what would come of it though...damnation. And sure enough, no sooner than the deed was done did I begin to feel as though darkness was permeating the fiber of my though I was being ordained to do this again, making it my business...oh how wrong was I to take the first bite of that apple...I will never taste a sin so sweet again, but I will continue to devour that apple until it is gone...and at that point, my hunger will devour me.

-A. Lewis

Saturday, August 29, 2009

More Randoms From August - 8/29/09

"And when we held hands, I felt as though I touched Heaven, for only an angel's touch could be so tender; the warmth of your caress upon my face was like the light of God, blistering down upon me with effulgent grace and incalescent love. Such a blessing art thou, and I give thanks for thee every day."

"Results are but eventuations of actions; the two may be concomitant, but one comes OF the other, not WITH the other. Thus, we must shift our focus, from the result to the action. For no matter what, the action takes place. Whether the results are negative or positive, the action occurs. An example would be speaking: no matter how people take what you say, they still had to listen to it because you spoke up."

-A. Lewis

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To Confess, To Profess; Of Congress, Of Progress - 8/14/09

If I told you I loved you, you wouldn't believe it
But this mental intercourse we have could birth love, if you'll conceive it
I know you think I'll leave you while you're in the throes of love, but baby I got you
You see, I could never imagine feeling this way with a woman that's not you.

Sure there were other females before you,
But they surely were not women,
For it takes a true woman to wrest the essence of a man out of a boy.
I was but a striking young lad,
Illusioned with visions of the fun to be had;
Had I known that puberty was not puberty,
But the mere birth of the male essence within me,
I would not have taken the path I so hastily chose.
Once my testicles dropped, the blood rushed down from my head
With the fervor with which a river flows.
Tender blows,
Were delivered to my innocence the night I lost my virginity.
At that point, I perceived myself a man,
Inherently and involuntarily conceding that the constant inflation of my ego was the plan.
I baffled women, for they could not understand how a guy that came off
Sweet, securing, and appealing
Could be so pigheaded, and treat them like dirt after admitting feelings.
They did not see that it was all about my ego,
That hurt and scorn would follow anywhere we'd go
And that it would take them a quarter lifetime to see so.
Any all measures I considered just, when in the conquest to bust.
It was that simple.
If there was one female I wanted but couldn't get,
Never did I fret because there were more to hit.

But then...I got raped.
Never before had a woman gotten into my head...
And you, you really were a woman.
You made love to my thoughts when I didn't consent,
Concentrating on mind and soul while neglecting body.
You took away what I was ironically in control of,
For I controlled my body while fettered by my ego.
You touched my deepest thoughts without asking, without trying,
You broke me down without prying.
No longer was there some aesthetic Anubis,
But a fragile boy shrouded in immaturity
Plagued by selfishness
Reared by repression of self.
You gave that boy a hug, and he fell in love.
From that moment, my true puberty began,
As I climb tirelessly up the steps to manhood.
But to complete this journey, not only must I traverse myself;
Not only must I subjugate my ego to be better
Must I free my actions from their fetters
Must I efface myself to the level of man
Must I walk in reverse down the path I ran,
I must also accept something:

That I was not a man, before I knew you
That I as a man, will do nothing hurtful to you
That as a man, I will uphold honesty and sincerity
And that my actions will be ripe with moral clarity.
I doth solemnly swear to uphold these claims and more
For I am now a man and a man hath things he stands for.
I desire to be the best man that I can be,
And that entails you clearing a path for me
I want your love in my life, to show me who I need to become
So that you and I can make the passionate leap to being one
I need your compassion to keep my heart tender
So that I may love this world and all its splendor
For in you lies the seeds to my growth as a man
And to you now I extend my hand.
So please my love, join me on this journey we call life
So that we may discover and enjoy it all together, as man and wife.

-A. Lewis

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How I Feel About Ladies I've Liked Or Had Crushes On - 8/11/09

"I feel like I missed out on them, but I can't really regret it/If I'd had any of them I wouldn't be going where I'm headed/Even though it never worked, I dislike none of them/I have love and respect for each and every one of them/They were all beautiful both inside & out/Prodigious women, and of that there's no doubt/I wish them all the best and hope we don't drift apart/I'm glad I know them, mean it from my heart."

-A. Lewis

The Flower of Love - 8/11/09

"How love is like a rose, a seed planted by attraction, based in the soil of trust, rooted to a stem of commitment, supported by the sunshine of affection, nourished by the rain of communication, budding at that profoundly unequivocal moment of self-realization to open the bloom of romance."

-A. Lewis

A Natural Beauty - 8/11/09

"She had svelte curves that were striking like lightning, an attitude fierce like the rumble of thunder, a love that cascaded down upon me like sheets of torrential rain, and a mind that shined like that sun on a cloudless day...oh what a natural beauty she was, spectacular like the Northern and Southern lights, more vibrant than a rainbow in the mist of a waterfall, prettier than the crystal clear waters of Bora Bora."

-A. Lewis

Knowledge Is Dropped Again - 8/11/09

"To everyone looking for the 'perfect' person, I pose a question: what could you do for him or her? What could you possibly have to offer to someone that is perfect? The idea is to find someone with whom you complement. If the two of you can make each other better, grow, and make each other happy, you will become the perfect people for each other. Love isn't about the perfect people for each other. Love isn't about the perfect person, it's about perfecting your match."

"Too often do we preconceive what love has in store for us, which is why we miss out on good people. To truly be ready for love is to love and accept yourself, the way you would want someone else to, not to have defined what you want down to a T. At that point, someone will come along that you can grow and be happy with, the two things that a relationship should do for you. Look for completion, not perfection."

-A. Lewis

Random Knowledge from August So Far - 8/11/09

"Intention is nothing without action."

"Reputation begins, where character ends; reputation is purely perception, while character is the spool from which your actions are sewn."

"The key to happiness is knowing the door is unlocked, and that walking through is as hard as you make it."

"To prevaricate is to subject yourself to candor, while to speak in candor is to subject yourself to prevarication...the choice is yours."

"Many of the ignorant people in this world believe that they're intelligent in their own right; the only things intelligence and ignorance have in common are their beginning letters, and the fact that they both speak for themselves."

"Haters are like Rubix cubes; they roll with squares, are always changing, and are always looking for someone to solve or complete them."

"On these beats, none of your can see(C) me/So you had to take it back a letter and now you're trying to be(B) me. Unlike you, I only get hi(high) through a greeting/I'm not lazy, I only get by(bye) when I'm leaving."

"These rappers think they're invincible but I am their weakness/I'm raising the Stakes like I'm at the Preakness/Got you shook up like you're on Sixaxis/Try to battle rap me and end up looking like you're suffering from anaphylaxis/That's right, you hear my rhymes and choke up/No luck, you start looking around like 'I'm in some deep you know what'/I call you an unused ashtray since you get no butt."

"I don't know what's in store, but I know I'll buy it/Black Card mind with no limit on knowledge so I swipe it/they say time flies well it's time to pilot/grab and hold tight, take control of life and fly it/let my young brothas know that being a good man isn't hard if you just try it/hard work isn't as hard as trying to get by it/and tell my sistahs to stop taking to heart what a hotels(hoe tells) like Hyatt."

-A. Lewis

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Knowledge Has Been Dropped - 8/6/09

These are my responses to "Do Black Women Limit Themselves When It Comes To Men?"

Black men take Black women for granted. It's that simple. There's a double standard, and Black men have taken it further. The double standard is that Black women are 'supposed' to date Black men because Black is beautiful and they're supposed to have a beautiful Nubian love. Black men on the other hand, feel like they're the best lovers in the world and believe they deserve to have any woman they want since Black women are always there. I think Black women have made themselves overly available. Throughout all of the strife and rigamarole, they stick with Black men. The Black male psyche has been affected by this, and now most men think, "hey, if I do her wrong and she leaves, so what? I'll just go get another." Black women have become a commodity in the minds of some Black men: they won't date out because of the standard, but they won't leave you because of they same standard. And so Black men feel entitled.

While some of this does fall on the shoulders of Black men, (see my comment above) Black women have contributed as well. Too often do Black women pick the wrong men then use them as examples for all men. I did generalize in my first comment, but I would like to say that not all Black men are the same. Not all take Black women for granted, just like not all will drag you through the mud. However, when a woman conditions herself to look for a particular type of guy, then gets done wrong by that SAME type repeatedly, it affects her mentally. You think you're picking good types, and they all do you wrong; Black women think it's the men, but to be honest, it's a bit of both. You didn't pick a 'good man,' and the man you picked wasn't good to you. Some Black women don't realize that they date the same guy repeatedly rather than changing up what they look for. When you think you're dating good men that keep doing you wrong, you end up in this mindset.

We, as a race, are THE most mentally inhibited. We think so much of perception, still have issues from the mental subjugation of slavery and Jim Crow, feel the need to uplift ourselves but lack the drive to do so, divide amongst ourselves for no reason, and so on and so forth. We could talk all day about the issues with our race. That being said, we focus on our race too much. We make everything racial. Sure this is a good discussion, but at the heart is something that has no race at all: happiness. I agree with the people that say "date who makes you happy." Dating isn't about uplifting Black people, nor is it about finding the most successful individual. It's about finding someone that makes you happy and that you can grow with. When you think about it, at the crux of this, the majority of what we've said is extrinsic to the matter of knows no color either. Love and happiness are what really matter, and that's what we should really be worried about.

-A. Lewis

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Recent Freestyles! - 7/30/09

"I've had people ask me why I dream, I simply reply that all is not how it seems, reality is but the result of perception, while a dream is the manifest of conception, so what I see is the blueprint for reality, while what you see could be but an omnipresent fallacy, a veil over the eyes of your mind, free yourself from it as it is the demise of your time."

Juicy Freestyle

We've come a long way from Yo MTV/We now have whites watching BET/BIG said he sipped champagne to quench his thirst/Now we buy Nuvo to see who's balling first/Juicy, is how I'm trying to live/Giving this college thing all I can give/Once I get that paper at the end/My quest for paper can really begin/Got a lot of friends on whom I can depend/But trying to keep up with them getting rich may drive me off the deep end/But hey, I do what I gotta do/Shouts out to Wale but I don't do the Nike boots/Give me some Rockports and I'm straight in the winter/My rhymes will get under your skin something like a splinter.

November 18th Freestyle

Coming with a Houston flow, had to slow it down/That's how they do it, chop and screw it in the H-Town/But there's no syrup here, just cocaine/lines that'll get you so far gone like Kurt Cobain/shouts out to Drizzy Drake, yeah he killed this one/but I gotta resurrect so you can feel this one/flow smoother than silk right about now/talk so slick I could sell milk to a cow/but I'm no hustler, just a lyricist/and even in 3-D your rhymes won't be as real as this.

Throw It In The Bag (Remix) Freestyle

On the remix with Loso and Drizzy/Caught cramps in the store, my arm was so busy/My girl and I felt like robbers we threw so much in the bag/We got to checkout and made the register lag/Then I pulled the card out, similar to the joker/It has no equal and is the same color as the lungs of a smoker/And although I like her, I never Ciara(see error)/Like my relationships like my caps, 50/50 call em New Era.

-A. Lewis

Recent Quotes! - 7/30/09

"When absence makes the heart grow fonder, presence makes the heart go wander."

"A trustworthy man is he that can get you to believe anything he wants; an honest man is he that doesn't have to get you to believe a thing."

"How I would thoroughly enjoy taxing the lexicon of my mind to describe a female whose physical appearance is the consummate paragon of aesthetics, only to be matched by an intellect so complex that her nerve receptors form a beautiful and intricate lattice design."

"I open my cranium so that the halcyon maelstrom of superfluous, precocious profundity may manifest its fervor in prose."

"A true man is he that accepts the masculinity that he is given, and cultivates it for the benefit of self and that of mankind."

"To love someone is to give them the power to hurt you, yet instill trust in them that they won't."

"I'm not perfect, and I'm the first to admit it; a lot of people now are just imperfections represented."

"Excuses are merely the corroboration of failure to lack of discipline, attempts to justify not seeing something through to success and or completion."

"There is no necessity for war, only a necessity for peace; yet in the quest for peace we quest for war."

"Law is but the brother of culture, how culture is the sister of law. The two are inextricably bound, one always supporting the other. Wisdom isn't involved in lawmaking, as it once was. Laws are made to keep culture intact, while culture keeps laws in check. Consequences of new laws are based off preexisting consequences of other and similar laws, and opinions on the severity of the offense."

"Some women these days are like an oasis; they are nice to look at, and appeal to your desire, but when it comes to reality they're just not there, as though they live in a fantasy. Many guys are like tattoos; they're nice to see, even nicer when you first get them; but after a while, they fade and their true colors begin to show. Point being, know what you're getting into before you get hurt."

"He that can accomplish all on his own is not strong, he is merely capable. He that asks for help at times strong; strong enough to accept his limitations, and humble himself for the completion of a goal."

-A. Lewis

Sunday, July 26, 2009

My P.O.V....Point of View, or Personally Organized Verisimilitude? - 7/26/09

Nostradamus was the first,
followed by such men as Buddha,
Confucious, Gandhi, and even the great Dr. King.
These men all had a gift...
The sagacious understanding of human behavior.
They knew and understood things that most could not grasp,
They could quantify actions that would mystify even the greatest psychologists...
Two of those men went on to spur religions,
One is a legend in the struggle for equality in America,
And one predicted the end of the world.
It is from these men, that my intellect is derived.
There is no subject that my brain computer cannot transcribe,
Synthesize, or philosophize.
It is a black hole, a vacuum for information and input,
On the other side of which is an area of vast knowledge,
An infinite lea of blossoms of concepts, ideas, thoughts, facts, opinions, everything.
Oh what a beautiful mind I was afforded,
But how the weather once was.
There was not always sunshine and blossoms;
There was once only darkness and despair,
Tumult and trepidation,
Unlikely cohorts in an overall feeling of self-hatred.
Rather than the current halcyon maelstrom,
The black hole was a supernova...
A beautiful, dying star.
The brilliance I displayed was simply the converse manifestation of the absolute darkness that strove to consume me...
I could win Spelling Bees and ace tests, but could not look in the mirror without disgust,
The darkness began to seep through my fibrous tissues with every brain pulse.
As time progressed, so did it; I thought less and less of myself...
My intellect was in its infancy, I had not tapped into its potential yet,
But as it grew, it was also dying...this paradoxical maturation was beyond stressful,
And began to align itself with the darkness...
I became a cruel boy, demeaning and traducing others for my own twisted enjoyment.
The darkness knew of the knew of the expressive powers of my mind, how I could use language as a tool or, as it preferred, as a weapon.
I made people cry on demand, but only to paradox the tears within me,
As I became further and further disillusioned with the idea of acceptance.
My peers, my Black brothers and sisters, could not appreciate me...
My intellect needed to latch on to something, before the course of its self-destruction was done;
Those peers of mine only used me...used me for the gift that I had been cursed with,
But in that was yet another paradox: in being used, I saw the light...this stunning brilliance.
I sought to cultivate this effulgence, but before progress was made, the darkness consumed all hope...
I had reached the point where I was interested in females...and I began to judge my luck with them by the luck of others.
This was my darkest moment.....there was nothing left for my intellect.
No acceptance, no females, no self-appreciation...the darkness had consumed all.
My intellect led me to believe that its self-destruction behooved a concomitant physical self-destruction...suicide.
I wrote a poem about the relinquishing of one's own life, and at that moment, I saw a glimmer...
A glimmer of hope, a glimmer of the positivity and light of poetry, literature in general.
This glimmer would remain present from 2006, until 2009.
It was in this year, this 18th year of life, that I focused all other brain powers to the cessation of the darkness.
Paradoxically, to defeat the darkness darkness had to be the weapon..and so, I walked to a bridge and peered over, much like the sun was beginning to peek over the horizon.
It was at that moment, this moment of indulging in the darkness, this moment of logical illogicality, that the darkness cracked.
The supernova that once was began to fall apart, giving way to a black hole...
A vacuum that has been cultivated into that which is before you today.
Never could I have imagined that such a grand and sublime expanse was concealed by the darkness.
But, the darkness was necessary; it played an integral role in the matriculation of my intellect through the bevy of faculties that were pieces to the puzzle of relinquishing one's mind from secular faculties.
This had been ordained by the Universe, She that cradles all life, She that strokes all dreams.
She that foresaw the Gods. This was her plan, as enacted by God himself.
The two cohorts instilled in me the virtues, morals, and beliefs of many different men,
So that I may struggle with finding a medium between them all,
While developing an intellect that craved all it could handle, that got insatiable at times.
Their plan has culminated in the young man before you.
Ever confused, overly self-effacing, honest to a fault, accidentally quasi-ascetic.
I challenge even the simplest concepts, while making light of the most complex,
I see things from all angles, taking factors into account in seconds that would take some days.
The scope of my intellect is immeasurable, as nothing is to preposterous to attempt to extrapolate into reality, or vice versa for that matter.
My mind grasps the concepts of mono and polytheism, creating a new and avant-garde theistic belief that even leaves me in awe at times,
For the amount of thought that goes into my everyday is simply mind-boggling,
Yet it seems to have an aura of normalcy to it.
My mind will never be at ease, for there will always be something in store for it...
Whether it advice, theology, philosophy, or whatever.
I am troubled by the lack of explanation for my existence,
Yet revel in it as well, for most exist out of logic.
I stand on the cusp of greatness, and on the shoulders of giants.
I am meant to do something here...something far beyond my dreams.
And in the process, I am to touch and change lives.
Or, and here's a profound thought:
I am one totally deranged, insane, and simply lost motherf*cker with an overly active imagination.
I'll leave that one up to you.

-A. Lewis

Friday, July 24, 2009

Mud, In Retrospect - 7/25/09

My cheeks were sore.
I stood at that window on my toes until my Achilles felt like worn out trusses.
In my pain, I would run to the TV and turn on the news station.
My stomach had that light, airy, tingling feeling,
As though I'd digested a bevy of butterflies.
The anticipation manifested itself in my legs,
They became restless...shaking like I was sitting on a jackhammer.
Then, the news broke in, "This is a special weather report."
Despite my cheeks feeling like overstretched rubber bands,
I was able to grin.
"There is a severe thunderstorm warning for all counties in the metro Atlanta area,
please take cover now. There have been reported funnel clouds, and hail as well."
Before the weatherman could get another sentence out,
I ran back to the window.
Ominous clouds, large dark grey puffs of havoc,
Were headed straight for us.
Mom was already headed downstairs, apprehensive as usual.
Dad on the other hand, was trying to find a flashlight.
The sound of him rumbling through the cabinets was interjected upon,
boom-BOOOOM boom tap. Thunder ripped through the house,
Leaving a noise similar to that of 1000 pennies coming to rest after being spun.
Most kids would've been terrified, but not I.
I just wanted the result of the rain.
As if Mother Nature was making her own alphabet,
Lighting was streaking across the sky, her protean manuscript.
I felt like a basketball player, with the lightning as my camera flashes.
Dad implored me to join him and Mom downstairs, but he knew it was to no avail,
And just told me he'd come get me if he felt it was that bad.
No sooner than he said that,
Rain in sheets thick enough to mystify a man with cataracts began to fall.
We had a fairly large house, so the resulting sound was tranquil,
As though I were a child in a womb while my mother was showering.
The thunder and lightning continued, and I just stood in the window.
Between us having the lights off and the cloud cover,
The house had been saturated gray.
I always did enjoy that particular color of sunlight that was given during storms.
Soon, hail began to fall, which sounded like marbles being poured out of a glass bowl.
It was ephemeral though, with the entire storm passing 15 minutes after that.
With the alacrity and determination of an archaeologist running to see a newly excavated fossil,
I slipped on shoes and ran outside.
The front yard was soaked, and before I took two good steps my legs were drenched from the calf down.
I had to go see it though...this is what I was smiling about.
There was a slight drizzle, like a falling mist greeting and cooling my face that was warm with glee
The humidity was extreme, causing me to gasp for breath though only running a few feet
I was wet, warm, and refreshed, but this was not what I wanted from nature;
I only wanted to see the mud.
When I looked down and saw it, the excitement in me boiled over,
My eyes began to water and I jumped up and down, only furthering how wet I was.
Mud was always so amazing to me...
Water and dirt, two totally different elements,
Came together seamlessly.
It was a concept that I wished applied to life.
I wished that Whites, who were always flowing in some direction towards betterment,
And Blacks, who were strong and solid,
Could come together and make a peaceful mud.
I wished that America, with its fluid motives and desires,
And North Korea, with its staunch stance
Could meet in the middle and make some mud.
I wanted more mud in the world....
Water and dirt are ok, but sometimes you have to come together.
Mud was strong too, as ants used it to build their homes.
Just think if the mud I had imagined was that strong...
Strong bonds between opposing factions in the world...that would mean peace!
Mud does turn back to dirt though, which could mean the deterioration of relations,
But the rain of diplomacy could build it back.
What a novel concept...
Or maybe, just maybe,
I was simply a kid that used to love mud for one reason, and one reason only:
I loved being a dirty little boy, trying to be a 'manly man.'
My thoughts are a bit muddy...
So who knows?

-A. Lewis

Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Poem: Breakfast - 7/23/09

Oh how I loved breakfast.
It was the only time we were together.
Mama, Papa, and me
All gathered around a table happily,
Enjoying bacon, eggs, and flapjacks.
Papa would update us on his work,
That steel stuff was dangerous and kept him on his toes.
It paid awfully well,
Considering what Papa said he made in the South.
All that work in those searing, unforgiving fields
Work designed to forsake human life,
In the name of profit.
But we had escaped that now,
A once destitute family strained by meager wages
That was able to migrate north and begin anew.
What was our first tradition?
We were so close to each other.
I always hugged my parents before they left;
Mama would clutch me so tightly that
I thought osmosis would take place between her breast milk and my cheek.
Papa would always pat me on the head when I hugged him,
A 'manly' show of affection.
Both left early in the morning,
Papa to the steel mill
And Mama to go clean up houses.
I went to school shortly after,
And always enjoyed going to school full.
Breakfast prepared me for learning,
Something I was good at.
I was the best in my class, though we were all Black.
Mama and Papa saved all they could,
They wanted me to go to some White school in the future.
We would discuss that kind of stuff at supper,
Though that was rough at times...
Mama and Papa dealt with a lot of racism,
Papa especially.
Some White men felt Papa was intruding,
Taking up a job that another White could have.
He'd come home perturbed,
But would be all better by breakfast.
Papa was a strong man though, not backing down.
He was polite to those mean Whites, and refused to quit his job.
Mama was always worried something would happen to Papa,
But he would allay her fears every morning at breakfast.
There was one morning though, where it was different...
He had a look of trepidation on his face,
The wrinkles on his forehead resembling stacks of pressure mounting on him.
He told us that a man wanted his job,
And that he felt his coworkers were plotting against him.
Mama was scared for Papa...and he told her he'd be fine.
Well, Mama got home that evening,
She was still worried. I told her that I hadn't seen him,
And figured he was working late.
Then there was banging on the door,
Loud pounding.
Mama opened the door,
And then it began.

The white men burst in,
At least 7 or 8 of them.
They were carrying my father
Who looked a complete mess...
They had beaten him senseless
His clothing soiled and bloody.
They tossed him on the floor,
And blood immediately began pooling beneath him...
I wanted to scream, but the sound escaped me...
I hid in the kitchen, while Mama dropped down next to him in tears.
She moaned in such deep sorrow that my own tears began to fall,
The man she fell in love with
The man she worked in those fields with,
The man who helped her get to freedom
The father of her child, lay strewn out in his own blood.
The men in sanguine-tinged clothing yelled and cussed at her,
Telling her that she better not tell anyone about this
But my mother, being the strong Black woman she was,
Got up and cussed right back at them.
Not to be content with trading expletives,
A young one bent down and dipped his fingers in my father's blood.
After rubbing his fingers, he slapped Mama so hard, she couldn't help but fall.
And then....they all raped her.
This woman, a descendant of a beautiful civilization,
Had been reduced to being raped while partially immersed in her husband's blood.
My heart had been broken...all my love had been taken from me.
My father, the pillar of strength and my role model, was nothing but a ragdoll,
While my mother, the paragon by which I judged other women and the nurturer of my life,
Was but one ravaged orifice.
My world was....well it wasn't.
Those men left seeds of hatred in my mother...
And once they finished, they proceeded to bludgeon her, until her skull was but a crescent.
Then they departed.
All I could do was stand over them...looking down at my life, a puddle of blood.
Two people that meant so much to me, were but carcasses.
By now it was dark, and only twilight gleamed through the window
Such an appropriately somber setting...
Their deaths would lay in the dark just as their bodies
While it would shine in my head as the moonlight made it so in my eyes.
And so I sat, staring at the remains
Wondering what remained for me.
When love is taken, what is left for thee?
I could not scorn, for that would make me as dark as the Whites
I could not complain, for Negros had no rights
I could not love, for I had no relatives anywhere near
I could not forget, for I would never see hatred so sheer
So I did all I could do...which was drop on my knees and pray
Pray to the Lord that I could live to see the day
My heart was in Satan's clasp and needed extrication
I begged my mighty Savior for peace and salvation
When my knees got tired I layed a few feet away
The last I saw of my parents would be the next day.
For the first time in years, I didn't wake up to breakfast.
I awoke to the putrid odor of death, and the shine of the sun on my mother's necklace
I went to the closet and retrieved what was supposed to be my college fund
After counting it up, I appraised what needed to be done
With my face ablaze, trying to hold back tears
I blew a kiss goodbye to each of my dears
When I closed the door to our home, what happened became the checkered past
It was time to make a future; so to pay homage, I decided to break fast.

-A. Lewis

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pyromaniacal - 7/22/09

First and foremost,
I'm no pyromaniac.
However, I've been playing with fire.
How hot it is...
Mm, mm, mm.
Such a curvaceous flame
Brilliant and warm,
It's heat both deterrent and inviting.
This was no ordinary fire though,
The ashes scattered about it
Were clear indication of it being fed
And the core was flashing, nearly pulsating,
As though it was constantly growing.
Such calescence should worry a man...
But the allure was just too much,
Playing on my doubts
By leading me to believe it's warmth was worth the risk of burns.
I could not deny this possibility...
I had never fed a fire before, I had only been burned.
And so I devoted myself,
Finding anything I could to feed this fire.
Be it sage, time, roses, or whatever I could muster
The fire consumed it all,
But without emitting any heat.
It was effulgent yes,
But it didn't nothing to satisfy me
Which caused me to grow languid...
The symbiotic relationship had grown parasitic.
Whenever I thought of walking away,
The flame would flash blue,
A spectacle that left me in pure flabbergast.
The conflagration struck chords in me,
Featuring a bluish-purple tinge, appealing to aesthetic senses of my brain
And such heat that could only be matched by the fervor I have for life.
But, this became the typical rigamarole.
Every time I was fed up with the situation,
The flame showed another side.
And so, now, I am at an impasse.
This flame, this shining beacon of nature's beauty
Uses me because I am convenient,
And am willing to do what most men would not,
Yet I hold out hope that this flame will simply reciprocate.
If I stay, I'll never have the warmth I seek;
If I leave, I may not find a flame as spectacular.
Until I issue a quietus,
I guess I'm just playing with fire.
...Guess I'm a bit of a Pyro after all.

-A. Lewis

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sunrise Posting - 7/19/09

"He that can accomplish all on his own is not strong, he is merely capable. He that asks for help at times is strong; strong enough to accept his limitations, and humble himself for the completion of a goal."

"Some women these days are like an oasis; they are nice to look at, and appeal to your desire, but when it comes to reality they're just not there, as though they live in a fantasy. Many guys are like tattoos; they're nice to see, even nicer when you first get them; but after a while, they fade and their true colors begin to show. Point being, know what you're getting into before you get hurt."

-A. Lewis

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just One This Time - 7/16/09

"Fear is the threshold of love; it is up to you to choose whether you cross it, or yield to it."

-A. Lewis

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Titillating Tidbits! - 7/12/09

The things we understand least in life help us to understand the most; however, this is only through the prismatic lens of retrospect, which diffracts our once singular view so that we may see the same occurrences in different lights, allowing for deeper understanding and more mental clarity.

Logic is but a path, a set of thoroughfares built to lead you to an answer or a conclusion. However, understanding is a never-ending archipelago, surrounded by a sea of questions, answers, conundrums and such, to be traversed by free thought. And so I ask: are you an explorer? Or do you simply drive the streets everyday as though life is a 9 to 5.

If you were poetry in motion, I think you'd probably consist of elaborate metaphors and elevated diction, apropo of your eloquent beauty.

She made me feel like sand, coarse, because she was so fine and of course, she was so very fly, but when I came at her she didn't hit me with an attitude, this elicited my gratitude, her altitude made me want to change my latitude, told me she didn't have a dude, knew I had to move, so I invited her to my place, told her I was a poet and would spit a few bars, took her to the balcony for a night amongst the stars.

-A. Lewis

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

An Interesting Piece - 7/7/09

Our heartbeats form the metronome of the path we take, paved by the coalescence of our differences under the premise that we complete each other. I can only gaze at you as such for I have never seen a light so bright and complete, and full light that is my sun yet my north star, leading me with warmth. How novel it is, and as I move closer to this light, I begin to lose myself, as love begins its dilapidation; we are being stripped down, you become a light, as I become the night, the body in which you find comfort, solace, and rest. The conjoining of two such bodies creates eternity, as my moon and your sun, your day and my night, melt seamlessly and effortlessly into one condition, that of unconditional love and endless affection, bonded by immeasurable pleasures of both the mind and flesh...with needs met and wants satisfied, we are one.

-A. Lewis

Monday, July 6, 2009

A Freestyle - 7/6/09

Who am I? Known by what I do instead of who I am, plenty want to be my friends but I can find my fam, people say I'm on top but I feel so low, I'm invited to every place but there's nowhere to go, I have more than I could want but my needs go unmet, they say I haven't reached my peak but any misstep could be my sunset, everywhere I go people are all on me, I've never been alone but always feel lonely...I'm a celeb.

-A. Lewis

A Thought - 7/6/09

Has anyone else realized that celebrity sounds like a societal noun derived from the word celebrate? That it may have started as celebritee, with the suffix 'ee' to denote that the individual is receiving celebration? It would make sense, since celebrities are celebrated individuals in our culture, receiving praise, attention, and money to do things that we deem either amazing or entertaining. Just a thought.

-A. Lewis

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Quote For That Special Someone - 7/4/09

You're as beautiful as a summer's evening, no gradient Mother Nature paints could match your radiant smile as it sets upon the grandeur of your natural beauty; and like the motion of the clouds rolling by, your allure is effortless. How I am thankful to be blessed with such grace, only Mother Nature could blossom such splendor as yourself, and I will marvel at you as I do her creations; you are that exceptional.

* Happy 4th all!

-A. Lewis

New Quotes and New Freestyles - 7/4/09

"There is no such thing as temptation; there are only times where repressed desires meet opportunity. And it is at those moments where you show your discipline, be it or strong or weak."

"The moment you become generally understood is the moment in which you become understood to be general."

A mass of positive energy, effulgent, with the capability to brighten anything in its path...I don't speak of the sun, I speak of never cease your radiance, always shining; whether it be your smile, your skin, your intellect, you brighten this world...but more importantly you illuminate my world, shining down a love so immense it can't be directly seen, though I feel its warmth always encompassing my heart.

I'm not out here rapping to be famous, a lot of guys out here are johns like Amos, doing nothing but philandering while aimless, making females believe all men are faithless, I am but the messenger so don't shoot me as I say this, most of you will never make anyone's playlist, your hackneyed rhymes are barely suitable for a black disc, while mine are like what's shared between a john and an anus.

-A. Lewis

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Some New Stuff - 7/2/09

What is the clock but metronome to life, some say it's the heartbeat but that isn't right, for once the heart stops the clock keeps ticking, and you can't make up for any time you've been missing, intangible it is but it holds you down, when you think you're invincible it'll hose you down, take one of your dear friends to the grave, only time can make you behave, make you thankful for the day, but give you no leeway.

Gotta flow so smooth you could sail on it, yet I grind on the beat like there's a rail on it, balanced my subject matter so I never fell on it, something like a pro since I never had to bail on it, but enough of the skateboard rhetoric, most of these rappers out here couldn't even land a trick, out here talking about guns and boobs, wanna be Crips but still can't find clues, they might as well be spitting the Blues.

-A. Lewis

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pot Of Gold - 7/1/09

You read my mind
Time after time.
I used to sit and sip my orange juice
Hoping no one warned you
About the impending crush I was catching,
Fetching a trey for you whenever you walked in
You somehow knew what was going on.
Going along with it,
You played clueless
While I figured since I was a yellow fellow,
Liking you would be useless,
As I would never be able to walk up to you.
Other guys would try to talk stuff to you
And you would shut them down quickly,
They had me green with envy,
'Til one day you sat down with me.
It blew my mind that you would do such,
And you had to have known it would mean so much,
Because you sat with a smile, and I smiled as well,
With that of a child.
Your hair was colored with streaks of indigo,
With a bright shirt, pastel skirt,
And Chucks that seemed to glow.
You made simple look so elegant
Violet peace sign hanging from your neck
Was just so relevant,
As you asked if I wanted to talk about Iran
Saying that I appeared to be an intelligent young man.
In a state of flabbergast, I almost had to ask,
Why are you talking to me?
But I held it together,
And said "sure, and thanks for commenting on what you see."
We conversed until our food got cold;
It didn't matter...I had found my pot of gold.

-A. Lewis

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Getting It Together - 6/27/09

Just catching up...again. Thursday was too rough. Ugh. Here's some freestyles from Friday night.

Never been one to become enchanted with the physical, I find attachment to it to be quizzical, the path to enlightenment is illuminated by the spiritual, prompting the Triumvirate of mind, body, and soul to become equal, allowing one to ascend to a state of clarity and understanding something like your life's prequel, it prefaces all you've done and replays it back, showing you all it took for you to get on track.

When it came to society I was never let in, so I stood at the ledge end, screaming to the world that I want to be a legend, took a deep breath in, said a prayer for my brethren, best end for me is one of a deaf end, unheard so the pain is lessened, let's end this because I'll never be how the rest been, if I fall from this height I won't wrest then, just cave my chest in, tired of living pain, guess I'll rest then.

They say I have a way with words, I get away with words while most won't even stay with words, I slay with words, mold ideas like clay with words, will go to war any day with words, and articulate what I say with words, while some may struggle with words, tuggle with words, become muzzled by words, puzzled by words, confuzzled by words, all I do is hustle by words, hustling my words, pushing them so they're heard.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Super Catch-Up! - 6/21/09

"Insecurity is the termite of the psyche, that which eats away at the foundation of self."

"Humility is the moon that keeps the tides of self-esteem at bay."

"Prevarication is akin to prestidigitation; both take skill, can fool even the most perspicacious of individuals, build unstable realities, and will fail you when relied upon."

"Live every day as if it's your first; try new things, be open-minded, and have no regrets; live like you're new to the world, out to make a future yet out to enjoy the present. Kismet doesn't underscore that like it does 'living every day like it's your last,' nor do you feel like you have to do the most. Living like it's your first is just that: LIVING, freely."

"Cerebral stimulation is the result of deep cerebral penetration, the likes of which give the indication that you and he are on the same level of information, which has an inherent inclination, if both have been through maturation, to lead to infatuation."

In response to 'how many men can make your soul burn, your mind jolt and dig deeper than physical attraction?' - "The answer would be very few, the paradise of mental satisfaction seems very new, it is a place we once barely knew, but now know very well, the tale of cerebral penetration is one only time can tell, and once the story is told, the mystery will unfold, it shall become a man's goal, and be fervently extolled, or so we can only hope, such thoughts traverse a tightrope, walking from rarity to a point where the frequency of it and infidelity reach parity, a point where two hearts and minds reach unbridled clarity."

"If you think I'm like another guy you're incorrect, I have a one of a kind intellect, forged where immense knowledge and profound thought intersect, equipped with the ability to allow reason and spirituality to interject, that permits me to elicit eloquent statements and philosophies that keep me upon a path from which no one can inflect."

"Have you ever seen Farces of eXplanation, Controlled National News, Centrally Broadcast Smut, and Mind-numbing TeleVision just to name a few? How about Visual Homogenization 1, Black Estrangement Television, the American Bombast Cavalcade, any that I'm missin? There is so much to see, and even more to be known, but what you need to know, isn't being shown."

-A. Lewis

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Just A Freestyle... - 6/21/09

Sometimes I sit and wonder why I'm misunderstood
Guess I need to get this understood
I've never been average by any means
And I've always had a different view of many things
Been a genuine gentleman unlike any seen
My peers never accepted me at any scene,
Seen I was far beyond a par peon,
So they tried to tear me down with anything
Thought they had me,
Except I accept the hate with a smile, never grimacing
See the thing,
Is that I know I'm not meant to be like the rest
I know I'm meant to be something like the best
And like the best, I train hard
While the hate came hard
Went out with friends
And was treated like I co-starred
In the movie of life
But there are no Oscars
No Academy Awards,
Just some people with Benzes
And others that live near apartments with boards
The majority is forgotten because of the interests of few
Call government a macrocosm,
They don't represent me and you
You and I, we bear witness to suicide
A black man killing another at the club,
Just to get his crew inside
Through this I,
Struggle with the tuggle of right and wrong,
Wrongs can't be righted though rights can be wronged
Nights can be long, when your intellect is so far gone
Pondering things some have never seen, leaving the physical at home
Alone, which is how I sometimes feel
Wandering aimlessly,
Wondering shamelessly If I am the only one that keeps it real
Cheap it feels, to hear kind words from people
People who think the less of me with minds so feeble
Not being able to grasp even the most ergonomic of concepts
They try to belittle me because I advocate the bettering of one's self
And I don't place much value on one's wealth,
So they write me off as one self
Just a kid,
Not realizing what they did,
Proving my existence...
I am self-evident,
No possibility of my actions being feigned
I can't always be understood,
Nor can I be explained,
But I am brilliant
Effulgent in the light of candor,
A conversely axiomatic truth by name.

-A. Lewis

Friday, June 12, 2009

Catching Up! 6/12/09

"Character and trust are the brick and mortar that fortify the truth against the disparaging conflagrations of prevarications."

"Want everything, desire nothing."

"She was a beautiful girl, the type to make you Fall, had a heart as cold as Winter, could only hope that it would thaw; that was quite a bummer but she had a body hotter than Summer, had to Spring quickly because I knew every guy would want her."

"All these ladies are trying to find a man that's recession-proof, don't care what he looks like as long as he's a successful dude; won't even care about his attitude, as long as he has the money to change their latitude; why must these ladies spend time on such triviality, I'll definitely cut you a check: one for reality."

"To forgive is to retain the piece of yourself you would lose by harboring resentment or a grudge."

-A. Lewis

Friday, June 5, 2009

Excerpts From An Interesting Discussion - 6/6/09

So one of my friends says that she thinks guys are confusing...

I have to admit, I agree with her. The majority of us are controlled by our penises, something women don't have. That being said, they can't really understand some of the stupid shit we do because they don't understand the motivation behind it. Females are far, far less confusing. They may be complicated, but nothing about them is baffling. They ... Read Moreare beautiful forms of life graced with sensitivity and intelligence, simply looking for someone to love them and more importantly appreciate their flaws. Just my thoughts. :)

Please pardon me if this is TMI, but I'd like to know how you all feel about this: it is my belief that men are more confusing because of what I said, but it goes deeper than that. Penises are external, basically appendages. That being said, any sensation is on the outside, no matter how good it feels to him. Vaginas are inside of women, thus they feel what's going on and are more attached to it, because they have to let a man in. This is why you see guys trying to just "hit it and quit it." Sex can be impersonal because guys are very hormonal, and simply 'stick it in', for lack of better words. There's nothing going IN him, but he can just stick it in someone else if he chooses, so he doesn't get attached and let's his penis (hormones) control him. There's no vulnerability for caution, no anything. He just sticks it in and keeps moving, which is another reason why he doesn't get attached. Now to tell me that a guy isn't more confusing after all that, I'd need some backing.

That's why I get onto guys I know...for you to take the most intimate thing on this planet, sex, and turn it into just personal pleasure can be very hurtful for a woman...guys do not understand that woman literally has to 'let you in.' Unless she has no self-respect, she's not letting you in for no reason. But for you to do just do it and act like ... Read Moreit's nothing basically crushes whatever feelings she has or had. This is why I think women are smarter than men, because men don't know this kind of stuff. A lot of men FOOL women, but to fool someone doesn't take smarts, it takes cleverness and slickness.

Then commitment comes up...

You make an excellent point. Guys are non-committal nowadays. And I personally put that on the guys themselves. They sit here idolizing rappers, thugs, ballplayers and such, and attempt to live like them. No offense to them, but they aren't role models. No one in the Black community is preaching commitment to these young men out here. I've been ... Read Moredoing it, but one man can't change his peers. One of the biggest reasons behind this though, is that the general thought amongst guys is that "p*ssy is p*ssy" and that that's all a young lady is good for. Guys don't want to commit because they don't think there's a point: why commit to one when I can hit 3 or girls in a week? This lack of female appreciation is appalling, and disheartens me....but I work to change it every day.

Then "why do guys wanna 'talk' in secret?"

I'm gonna catch some serious flack for this one, but I think it needs to be said: SOME of these guys out here that claim "they don't want people in their business" REALLY mean that they don't want any females to know that their 'talking' to you, so that they can still run game without being obligated to one young lady.

-A. Lewis

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Quotes

"To traduce someone behind their back is to vilify and denigrate yourself in effigy."

"To complain is to make known the fact that you don't truly take advantage of the things you control."

-A. Lewis

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just Thoughts... - 6/2/09

There is a
New meaning to suicide
That coincides with,
The death of self
See we pursue this wealth,
Expecting it to be quick and easy
But when it goes wrong,
We start acting slick and greasy,
Like the food we eat,
2-piece the chicken
And go after the breast,
Knowing full well you're not living your best
But when someone else is,
You want to get hatred in your chest,
Chest to chest, we all are one
Black people must be united, our cause is never done
But to kill another black,
Fill another stat,
Turn a stereotype into a fact,
That is suicide...
To kill him makes you look worse,
You fail to realize you might be the next in a hearse,
Conventional wisdom expects you to take a woman's purse,
Rather than the do the Obama and be a historic first,
To settle for government money is to be a slave,
A slave to money and the shackles of waiting to be paid,
The more of your people you kill
The more your love for self will fade,
A progressive and degenerate suicide from which you can't be saved,
But you don't care...
You think a 'nerd' being rich isn't fair
You prefer the lies of Plies
To the truth of educated youth
You think your way out is the booth,
Or the rock on the block,
But all you're doing out there is losing to the clock
Time waits for no man, and as you don't get rich
You don't get back all that time you thought you were the 'shit'
It's about time you got flushed,
And gained a pride that can't be hushed
But no...
You have to be a thug and get tatted
And live up to your peers
It truly is a shame, but
You won't understand until your later years...
By then your innocence will be long gone
And your love for self will have died
Black culture
Is one of suicide.

-A. Lewis

Marble - 6/2/09

What is forged under pressure
And heated situations
Yet is one of nature's toughest creations,
Evolved through metamorphosis
But unchanged at the core
What remains at the core,
Is a shine, a beacon made in the dark
That glimmers like the beat of an indomitable heart
And at the heart of it all
Is that through the fusion
There are overt and pristine intrusions
Pieces that came together but didn't coalesce
But oh what a bless-
Ing, what a wonderful thing,
How the imperfections came to be what were most beautiful.
Oh my dear, how like marble you are.
Radiant brown skin that shines,
Success and failures metamorphose your mind,
While your heart glimmers with poise and pride,
In your streaks you should confide...
They make you so beautiful in my eyes,
You are perfectly imperfect,
An example of how perfect could never be worth it
Oh my dear, how like marble you are.

-A. Lewis

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The History of [His]tory - 5/30/09

Nothing but candor in this...any comments would be appreciated.

There are times...
Times where I just sit and think,
Watching the hands of time circulate
Wondering how I can circumvent,
Get by time...get by Father Time?
Not on his watch, his eyes impeccable
Not on his watch, its timekeeping ineffable
And so the time I spend seems taxed
With the remuneration being faith in self...
Thought is the mortar,
With which I've built the man before you
But time is that which eviscerates he,
And leaves but a shell...
Time is like a trait to a degenerative disease,
Causing dis-ease that burgeons into so much more,
So much for, that mindset of mine
That I'm confident and fine
And will grow to love myself in time
All swept away leaving barely a sign
Because in time I don't think I'll find,
The one for me...
Irony is it, that I've expected something from time
That I could never believe in my mind,
All the while trying to get rid of it
Yet somehow savoring every bit of it....
To find it hard to conceive,
More or less believe,
That someone could be romantically interested in me
Is horrible, yet it is the case,
As time seems to find, a way to get behind my face
Into that place, the sanctum of self-worth
And raze what I've worked so hard to raise...
Which brings me to the paradox:
Time has generated the thoughts that make me complete
Yet time has generated the thoughts that leave me effete.

-A. Lewis