Monday, November 30, 2009

A Philosophy: Reality, Truth - 11/30 (from 11/10)

"In life, the truth is always reality. I have already written about how we avoid reality, i.e. holding on to the past and continually looking toward the future. A lie is nothing more than an attempt to bend reality to our whims, a capricious declaration of the fact that we did not want to face the truth in a situation, or did not want someone else to do so. That being said, no matter your intentions, to base anything on or off of a lie is to set yourself up for failure, as the truth a.k.a. reality will always prevail in the end. Even if you are trying to shield someone from a truth that you deem too rough for said individual, that's not your call; you can't keep someone from reality. In trying to do so, you will only make the truth that much harder, and make yourself seem like a lying snake. The truth hurts, but lies kill; telling the truth merely hurts someone, while lying kills that person's thoughts of you, their visions of the truth, and their perspective on the entire situation. This is why the saying goes, 'don't ask for forgiveness, just ask for understanding.' And as I always say: 'To lie is to subject yourself to the truth (reality), while to tell the truth is to subject yourself to lies...the choice is yours.' Go forth now with this choose which of the two judges your actions."

-A. Lewis

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