As many of you may or may not know, I believe the Universe is a woman. Most of you only know her persona, Karma. Lol. The surest sign that she is a she is the concept of lies. As with any woman, the Universe gives any and everyone all the rope they need to hang themselves. To lie is to attempt to bend reality in a most capricious manner. Our own whims are not nearly enough to change what is going on around us. However, that is the most common human action outside of the involuntary ones. We do it, and do it, and do it. Thinking that we can continually get away with it. Never do we realize that we are only perching ourselves higher and higher, which will make the bottom falling out much more severe. Lies build up on themselves, each lie requiring another and another. This is because reality has a flow…and to create your own goes against that flow. So, you must keep telling lies to maintain the verisimilitude of your flow, while reality builds up around it. The most stunning part of lies though, is the punishing nature of them…there is a threshold, a point in which you tell more lies than you can handle. Yet, you can’t tell the truth, because hanging yourself is painful. And so you are forced to deal with the incessant righteousness of your scruples. It is most evident that there is NOTHING successful about a lie. Either it will get to you, or reality will. There’s no way around it. It may seem easy in the short term, but very seldom is a lie a short-term occurrence. So don’t subject yourself to the Universe…she may be kind, but she knows how to teach a lesson (see Karma).
-A. Lewis
-A. Lewis
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