Saturday, July 4, 2009

New Quotes and New Freestyles - 7/4/09

"There is no such thing as temptation; there are only times where repressed desires meet opportunity. And it is at those moments where you show your discipline, be it or strong or weak."

"The moment you become generally understood is the moment in which you become understood to be general."

A mass of positive energy, effulgent, with the capability to brighten anything in its path...I don't speak of the sun, I speak of never cease your radiance, always shining; whether it be your smile, your skin, your intellect, you brighten this world...but more importantly you illuminate my world, shining down a love so immense it can't be directly seen, though I feel its warmth always encompassing my heart.

I'm not out here rapping to be famous, a lot of guys out here are johns like Amos, doing nothing but philandering while aimless, making females believe all men are faithless, I am but the messenger so don't shoot me as I say this, most of you will never make anyone's playlist, your hackneyed rhymes are barely suitable for a black disc, while mine are like what's shared between a john and an anus.

-A. Lewis

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