Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Philosophy: Perfection and a Propensity - 11/7/09

"We are all perfect. Everyone. Any and all people walking this Earth. We are all perfectly human. However, it is our innate propensity to find imperfections that causes us to believe otherwise. This is why you see more crimes making the news than philanthropic happenings, why people will traduce before they compliment, and why we complain and are neglectful rather than happy and thankful. A hater is someone that is a slave to said propensity, while technology is a positive externality of it. Confidence is really just the acceptance of the fact that you are perfectly yourself, a manifestation of your mindset. Conversely, people that have low self-esteem are those that allow that propensity to eat away at them. The sooner we all isolate and either mitigate or eliminate that notion, the sooner we can all feel better about ourselves, uplift our brothers and sisters, and co-exist in a happier and more peaceful rapport. Just something for you to really think about!"

-A. Lewis

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