Monday, November 30, 2009

A Freestyle Piece: Shallow - 11/30 (from 11/27)

"I could call you beautiful, but you already know that...I want to see the real you, but you refuse to show that...instead you act smug, as though Jesus bequeathed your body and face to my eyes...I guess when it comes to you, in plain sight is where the surface lies. You're just a material girl that knows no better...all you do is want and buy, using every guy with the mindset to 'go get her'...the pain of the past is a stain that will last, and unless you change fast, the pain will become chains clasped. By the time enough time has passed for you to realize that you need to let the past pass, time will have passed you by, with Mr. Right as a frequent passerby. Your scars are open and deep...however, you do not see this future...instead of allowing time to run it's seaming course, you force your vanity into being the suture. An upward nose and pedicured toes cannot begin to hold what your attitude sews. But rather than heal the pain, you make other men feel the man can seal the pain so they are all forced to reel in pain; but that's not the only thing that hurts. They dig deep within you, trying to get past the cover of the proverbial book, and viciously smack into the floor, realizing there's nothing deeper than your looks."

-A. Lewis

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