Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Profound Thought

Profound Thought for 10/20/08

We, as homosapiens, are all the same. However, we, as people, are all so very different. That is the variety of life. We must revel in this. Differences are the similarities that we all hold. By that I mean that we are all alike because we all face and live with differences. That being said, we must also take pride in how different we are. And that is where my status comes in. It says "I'm a bright person. And, to be honest, I want to illuminate some special young lady's life." There are many ways I could define myself, but I chose bright. In any case, I applied that to my life, more specifically my love life. I encourage you to do the same. It will give you a sense of purpose, and/or a sense of definition. For instance, my friend Madelyn is a brilliant person. Her smile shines and the things she does reflect that. And so she could say, "I'm a brilliant person. I plan on letting my brilliance shine throughout the world." Just find something about you that you like(that was very hard for me, so I hope it's easier for you), and apply it to this. My friend Tavin could say, "I'm a fresh guy. I would like to be some special young lady's Ziploc bag and keep her fresh." Lol, I could imagine him saying that. It's really a confidence builder(not for me, but hopefully for you), and I think it could help you readers. When you're feeling down, or a little low, just make up your own two sentences. I'm a ____ girl/guy. And I would like to ____________. I believe it could help you feel better. And like I said, for those of you searching for a purpose, and you missed the note I wrote about that, try this. It may give you something to aim for. As always, I'm just trying to help everyone enjoy their time here on this big, beautiful ball of mass we call Earth. I hope I helped. Thanks for your time.

-A. Lewis

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