Friday, December 2, 2011

Late Night Rambling, Vol. 9: Time to Bridge the Gap - 12/2/11

‎"There's an old me; there's a new me. Up to now though, no one has told me that at some point they knew me. Throughout all of the change, I've remained essentially the same. Transitioning from Urkel to Stefan with only a few toes stepped on has been an interesting journey. But before who I used to be ends up on a gurney, I'm taking time to get back to my roots. There was a time where I knew more about grammar than I did about lapels on suits. Used to collect new words like I now collect new ties. Was once excited about new knowledge like I am about new buys. Went from hermit to fledgling socialite, looking to trade nights of google searches about 'what the fabric of life on Earth is' into a social life. To go from carrying a dictionary everywhere to swearing by GQ is quite a change...but with time as a constant, there's no need to fight a change. However, progress can be a trap. That's why before the new me gets too far from what my core values are, I'm working to bridge the gap."

-A. Lewis

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