Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just A Nightcap - 12/7/11

"I like the way your eyes sparkle like the champagne...this is no game, but if it was, I'd be playing the campaign. I'm on a mission to get to the final level, the last chapter; normally a nice guy, but tonight, you know what I'm after. Tonight is special, this one in particular. Gonna work out all your problems; activities, extracurricular. Similar to a child's game as you get weak; whenever I hide my face, you go peak. Seek not to handle it, simply enjoy it. My charm's a hard worker, the way that I employ it. Deploying missiles of gentle touches to sensitive places leave you with tentative faces that vary with the speed at which your blood races. Do just enough for you to want it more; you're such a shopper, pining for what's in store. Enough waiting, you're calling me with those baby eyes...gonna cradle your body like Jordan did the rock in 85...."

-A. Lewis

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