Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Late Night Rambling, Vol. 10: On Women and Character - 12/20/11

"At the end of the day, all women want is assurance. To know that they'll be loved, taken care of, protected, and won't be left in the middle of the night. There's only one way to achieve assurance, and that's through character. Consistent behavior through the integration of one's paradigm into decision-making and actions is character. The number one trait is accountability; a man of character intimately knows how fickle a reputation can be, and constantly takes heed of the fact that one questionable or inappropriate action can wipe out any pattern of positive action hitherto. When one's personality is as solid as a rock, it becomes the foundation not only for great friendships, but for great relationships as well. Honesty, responsibility, consistency, morality, altruism, humility...all facets of character, all necessary traits for a man, all traits conducive to a positive, strong relationship."

-A. Lewis

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