Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Short Essay: Google and Wikipedia vs. Relationships - 5/30/10 (from 5/27/10)

Instant information and instant gratification...whenever you want to know something, you can find out. Bam. Whenever you're curious, you don't leave it to chance, God, or whatever else. You just click, type, boom. That has hurt relationships...people don't trust others because they can't learn what they want, when they want. Girls jump from guy to guy because they don't court them long enough to know their TRUE selves..and when the guy turns abusive or turns out not to be what they wanted, they carry that to the next, so they don't have to wait to gather info. I bet girls AND guys would Wikipedia each other for background checks, and Google each other to see if they've been cheating. There's nothing instant about a real relationship...and information comes with time. But, because we're used to finding out things so quickly, we're too patient to learn love.

Facebook has played into that as can 'get to know' someone on here without ever speaking to them, which again, takes away from the process of true interaction.
I mean think about can see a person with different looks, in different places, learn their interests, see how they interact with strangers and friends, see what they think about, and see how private (or not) they are.
All without meeting or speaking.

True, there are exceptions. I'm just being general though. Those are all things people used to do IN TIME. Technology itself has sped up the some of the processes of life. People used to know each other WELL before they even dated. There had to be a connection to share information...not 'check my page.' Facebook is literally a book of faces, each with its own 'page.'

-A. Lewis

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