Monday, October 31, 2011

Late Night Rambling, Vol. 3 - 10/31/11

"I'm not trying to leave a legacy...I just want the world to be better than how it was left for me. I don't know how the world will change in my lifetime. Maybe petroleum will no longer be a lifeline, there will cease to be a black/white line, and the minority won't be people of the 'nice' kind. Or maybe the world shall be swathed in a frost, the remnants of a nuclear holocaust. It matters not. All I can do is give love to all, seeking to dilute our separatist ways; accepting those I can't, while understanding those I'm able to faze. As of now, the world is conducive to evil. Most with power got it by lying to, deceiving, and using people. I'm not a fan of that power structure, and seek to rupture it by giving power to honesty and love. I will respect those that respect others, treating all women and men as sisters and brothers. In holding myself to a high level of personal conduct and behavior, I hope to inspire everyone's inner savior; no single person made the world this way, so if we all seek change, the current conditions won't stay."

-A. Lewis 

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