Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My New Favorite Quote

"Show me a man that knows 'enough', you're showing me a man that will never know enough to substantiate said claim; show me an educated man, you're showing me a man that knows that which he should; show me an intelligent man, you're showing me a man that knows more than that which is expected of him; show me a genius, you're showing me a man that knows a lot, but whose intellect is qualitative; show me an intellectual, you're showing me a man that likes to know things and likes to display said knowledge; show me an intellect however, and you're showing me a man that holds the power to change the world."

-A. Lewis


  1. Goodness, you're so very eloquent, and it's a breath of fresh air to read what you write. Your quotes are going to be in at least one historical book some day; you will just add to the legion of people who enjoy reading them now.

    - Ashley Edwards

  2. Thank you kindly...that's a huge compliment, and I appreciate it!
