Wednesday, February 4, 2015

4:57 AM

My knuckles might get sore
From rapping at your door
But there are things between us
We'd be fools to ignore. 

My pulse is on some deathly level
While anticipation lives and breeds.
The heart wants what it wants
But don't our souls have needs? 

Your vibrations are otherworldly...

Like nothing I've ever known. 
You're my vacation and staycation,
Taking me places I've never been,
And always feeling like home.
Feelings have more than grown...

They've blossomed. 

I'm here with a bouquet in my soul,
A garden of feelings in my heart,
Seeds requiring attention in my mind,
And a body that would rather root than be apart.
I knew you were special from the start,

But now you're even more.
My knuckles might get sore
From rapping at your door
But there are things between us
We'd be fools to ignore.

So will you let me in? 
I'm already there...
You already care...
Can the charade end?

'Cuz I'll keep knocking.
Pride has a finite lifespan
When it's employed for blocking.
The longer I'm here
The more your door's unlocking.

Time elapses more
Your defenses collapse, for sure
We now have a love that most adore
Because there are things between us
We refuse to ignore.

-A. Lewis

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