Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lines In The Sand (Promises) - 7/8/12

Draw a line in the sands of time, if you feel so compelled.
I'll watch the flow events wash it away with happenings you couldn't foretell.
The unexpected will change you. I am certain.
I'll say something "wrong," or some unforeseeable event will take place;
You'll be transformed by emotions, take it out on me, then apologize later to save face.
I'm all for promises, but only in a particular way.
You must be careful with what you say; life will test your word.
It's absurd to think that anything is more sacrosanct than the passage of time itself.
Nothing can encroach upon it, so do not waste your breath,
Delineating which actions are outside of your personality.
When life puts you under certain combinations of stress and pressure,
You tend to see and react to a different reality.
Time is consistent; promise me you'll be the same.
Tell me what you WILL do; not how you won't change.
Time is always running, so sand is constantly collecting on top of us.
When it rains, it becomes even more cumbersome and much more difficult to deal with.
I'd rather be sure of what you'll do day-by-day,
Than of what you won't do when you're pressed by the sand mixing with the rain to become clay.
Don't waste your time drawing lines in the sand.
Instead, focus on how you'll live and grow with the ebb and flow of events in time.
Promise what you will, never what you won't.
You can't ever be sure of what time will do, which means you can never be sure of what you don't.

-A. Lewis


  1. This poem is like...well...marriage!

    1. Thank you! I didn't realize that, but that's exactly what it seems like!
