Saturday, July 28, 2012

I Once Fell In Love With The Sun - 7/28/12

I once fell in love with the Sun.
Bright and beautiful, she was.
Never had my heart been so warmed,
Never had my heart been so charmed.
Light emanated from her smile,
Effervesced in her eyes,
And excited my mind.
There were flings and flames before her,
But none could compare.
Even on her worst days,
I was touched by the first waves of her heat.
No cloud could obfuscate the great, innate shine of her soul.
It was as if my skies had been brightened by a molten orb of the finest gold.
I once fell in love with the Sun.
But alas, I was on the ground, and she was magnificently perched in the sky.
My admiration fell on deaf rays; no voice could reach so high.
It would soon become a conundrum,
A quandary of sorts.
I felt loved when she blanketed me with her simmering sparkles, of course,
But my feelings felt unrequited since there was no proximity or discourse.
I couldn't express myself. I could never get close enough.
Prose would prove to be a most productive outlet,
But it typically felt like I never wrote enough.
She gave me a shadow.
It was devoid of features, a clear indication that she simply saw me for me.
I once fell in love with the Sun,
And as each day comes and goes, I wish that together we could be.
Most assume that I would burn like the wings of Icarus,
And fall victim to flames behind the light,
But I know that behind the fire, a gentle soul lies.
She simply wants to be appreciated for who she is, not what she provides,
How perfectly she curves at her sides, or how stunning she is to the eyes.
See, the Sun is a star too divine to simply twinkle.
She glows in golden rays.
I once fell in love with the Sun,
And I want the story told this way:
Despite making my skies brighter and setting my soul on fire,
The greatest thing she did for me,
Was inspiring me to reach new heights and set my goals even higher.
There is no conclusion,
Only a tale for the ages.
Two lovers in the same book,
But only on different pages.
I once fell in love with the Sun,
And continue to do so daily.

-A. Lewis


  1. Beautiful!
    "There is no conclusion,
    Only a tale for the ages.
    Two lovers in the same book,
    But only on different pages.
    I once fell in love with the Sun,
    And continue to do so daily."
    Those lines are mysteriously Shakespearean!

  2. Wow...that's high praise! That means so much! Thank you for your feedback!
