Thursday, January 19, 2012

Love Notes - 1/19/12

"Do you like me? Check yes or no. What ever happened to the days of love notes? Before the complications of puberty, it was all so simple. There was much less going on between our temples. More than that, our bodies weren't developed...our organs weren't so enveloped in what they were designed to do. All that was needed was a sign or two, a wink or a wave. Then we'd act like we didn't know how to behave, running to tell someone else about what was going on. Now, we just rush around to tell what's going wrong, who's cheating on who, who we want to steal away. Back then, we didn't have so much angst to peel away. Honesty was easy; motives were years down the road. You wrote the question down, then sealed it with a little trepidation down the fold. Out of nervousness, you made someone else hand the note off. Now, we aren't even nervous when we take our clothes's crazy how things change with time; if we still gave love notes out, we'd need a box for 'yes,' a box for 'no,' and a box for 'I reserve the right to change my mind.'"

-A. Lewis

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