Monday, April 11, 2011

A Practice Poem: The Greatest Gift - 4/11/11

* There were certain things I was trying to accomplish here...certain types of rhetoric and metaphors in play. This was more of an exploration than a poem.

"The amorphous solid. The expressive and sensitive to my stolid. What would I do without it? In times of joy, it serves to intensify. In times of hardship, it serves to mollify. What if I did not have it? I wouldn't be the same. My feelings would be lame; I'd be so lackluster. When things are beginning to get dull, its my summer blockbuster. It becomes whatever I need it to be. Whenever the light wasn't at the end of the tunnel, it was what I needed to see. Without compare, it is the greatest gift in the world. However, it isn't given; it's earned. I've learned that even when the giver is burned, the tables can be turned and disdain can be spurned. She yearns for understanding and compassion. The combinations of those actions can cause the protraction of wings that propel her into the heights of her dreams. Being genuine and honest will bring her back down to earth; she'll fall for such gallantry. Catching her opens the locks of her heart, the manacles of her fear, and the fetters of her past. The fruition of her greatest desire lights her greatest fire and incinerates the hurtful dinner plates left by men that came only for dessert. The meal she offers is alimentary, nourishing the mind, body, and soul. Yet, it has been eschewed because the sweet taste of her essence has been pursued. Just what is this food that goes far beyond the fulfillment of friendship? It is the amorphous solid. The expressive and sensitive to my stolid. The wood to my fire, the pillow when I tire, the solution to whatever I require. It can be anything and means everything. It is the dessert after a robust meal, yet also the treat for when my sweet tooth pines with zeal. It is a driving force in my soul, a catalyst in my heart, a foundation in my mind. It is all of the above; the greatest gift in the world is a woman's love. No matter the undue pain, in her heart it shall remain until a man seeks to understand her and teaches her to feel again. Love is the most transcendent force on the planet; there is no barrier that can withstand it. Reaching her heart may require much effort and work, but her life-improving, soul-soothing, and mind-moving love proves a woman's immeasurable worth."

-A. Lewis

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