Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Poem: The Light - 8/29/10

Your smile, your future, your mind...the sun, the moon, the stars; everything about you illuminates my soul and my life. My strife vanishes whenever I bask in your glow. Your show of lights is not a flashing display, but rather a subtle shimmer, to many's dismay. However, I think it's takes time and intimacy to see the intricacies, and I think it's worth it. Like a moth to a lamp, I was drawn to you so naturally. I put on no airs, I simply presented a natural me, and allowed nature to do the rest. To the best of her ability, nature gave us a platform for stability: chemistry. Like two stones struck together, your eyes and mine created sparks that would light the fires of our desires. Entire seconds of life would stand still as the lessons of life struck me like an anvil. All of the love songs began to make memory became a jukebox, and looking at you was the only time it would take cents. Your beauty's like lightning, it never strikes me the same way twice...yet every time's like the first time, it's like you were born to look nice. No amount of suns could ever brighten my universe like your entrance into my life did...I felt as though I was a man in the Allegory of the Cave, blinded by a new source of light, a new source of right that was all sorts of polite that I needed in my life, even if it took all my might. Now, my nights are filled with starry skies, as I gaze into your starry eyes apologizing for those sorry guys that told Atari lies, playing simplistic games. All I want to do is increase the already high wattage of your ambitions, your dreams. I want to cast a light on the parts of you that go unseen, the parts that guys didn't see when they did you dirty, the parts left unclean. They deserve to be noticed, so I'll keep my light focused; I mean what I say, you're too good to hocus. There's so much good in you, your soul shines like a diamond, pure, clear, and vibrant. You were a blessing from God, sent with a divine purpose: to show me a shining example of what an angel on Earth is. Worthless, you could never be, because without you my heart could never see what love truly is. Love is so amazing that it feels like a privilege, though we all have the right. You've strengthened my faith in Him; through you, I've seen the light.

-A. Lewis

* hocus - to play a trick on

A Brief Philosophy: The Power of the Tongue - 8/29/10

"The power of the tongue is dependent on the weakness of the ear, which is congruent to the vulnerability of the heart, which relies on the strength of the character, which is nothing without faith; faith in self, faith in love, faith in God."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: Catalyst - 8/29/10

‎"It is one thing to speak for what you believe in...another to stand for it...and another to act on it. Those who speak only like the idea of change, and simply seek to inspire it; those who stand are comfortable with the idea of change, and seek to will it into existence; those who act have embraced the idea of change, and seek to do whatever it takes to see it come about. Neither inspiration nor will, singly nor together, can bring about change. It requires action."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: The First Date - 8/29/10

"Personally, I think the only thing that should be happening on the first date is getting acquainted with someone. Learning what makes them laugh, what makes them smile, where they're going, where they've been. Our genitals are's an extension of a man and a deep part of a woman. How you treat those parts... is how you treat yourself."

-A. Lewis

August Quotes - 8/29/10

"Do right by a man, do right by the past; do right by a woman, do right by the present; do right by a child, do right by the future."

"Any young man that has to lie to a young lady is weak. It takes no strength to bend the truth, but it takes everything you've got to uphold it. A liar is only as strong as his words."

"Seek my mind for affection; seek my heart for care; seek my soul for love."

"A good man TELLS the truth; a great man SPEAKS the truth; the best man UPHOLDS the truth; a liar is no man at all."

-A. Lewis

Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Freestyle Piece: Trust Is Like Rome - 8/21/10

"Lady...I understand that trust is like Rome; that it wasn't built in a day, but in a moment could be gone, which is why I'm building our foundation with honesty, because honestly, the key to a better us is an honest we, which begins with an honest me. There is clarity in sincerity, and if we both practice that then we've built some parity. Such architecture is a rarity, as most now build monoliths to solidarity..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: The Sweet Taste of Sin - 8/21/10

"I swear you're no good for me...but my desire is burning and you're like wood for me...feed this fire, bleed this fire...enjoy it while you can and leave this fire before you leave this mired in a struggle to piece together your puzzle. The reality of the situation will become a casualty of capitulation to temptation...lines will be blurred and cries will be heard as the sweet taste of sin erodes the soul within..."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: A Relationship Is An Investment - 8/21/10

"A relationship is an investment. This is why we must date/court; getting to know each other is like looking at portfolios and projections. To love is to further that investment, as you put your money(time/affection/care) in the other's account, TRUSTING that he/she won't misuse it. To be in love is to see the money flowing freely between one another, spent on enjoying the present and building a profitable future."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: The Past - 8/21/10

"The past is one of the most ameliorative concepts that we know of. It puts the actions we've already taken into focus through hindsight. It gives us blueprints of future reactions through similarities of situations. It expands incessantly, which allows for the scope of our perception on life to expand as well. Most importantly, we cannot free ourselves of its grasp until we learn from it."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Untitled - 8/21/10

"Your skin is so beautiful because it's been nourished by now have complete distrust in men, nourished by fears...years of slacking peers and nagging jeers have left you with transformative ears; hearing that changes the meaning of whatever it hears. Compliments are like complements to the notions that nice men are incontinent and romantically incompetent while verbally confident..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: The Brightest Thing - 8/21/10

‎"Even now, as the stars glow and the moon beams in the'll always be the brightest thing to ever catch my eye. Diamond soul, sun mind; some kind of woman you are. Not many can bear her, a true bearer of the light of God that Jesus bequeathed. Beneath it all, your heart emanates graciously as it pulsates vivaciously. Your light casts love so bright...I may never feel a love so right, I love 'might.'"

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Should The Sky Begin To Fall - 8/21/10

"Should the sky begin to fall...should the continents be attacked by the oceans, the ground opened and I'm left hoping and praying while laying near lifelessly...for the life of me, I'll do one thing above all else. Even if it all melts from sight as the pall of death sets upon me and my pulse runs wanly; I'll have your heart in my grasp, hands clasped. I'll fulfill my promise that nothing can take our love from us."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Death of the Player - 8/21/10

"I'm sending you a bouquet of white lilies...they're all that remains of the part of me that used to play games and slay dames. The day came where I had my reckoning, with love beckoning while I was so insidious that it made me oblivious to being a hideous fool. Hidden in you was a killer, love. As my immaturity died, my eyes opened wide. I began to rearrange...had a funeral for that side of me, a positive change. "

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: The Four Seasons of Seeing You - 8/21/10

"When I see you, my emotions's like the seasons change. Your gentle eyes soothe the skies of my mind, creating spring showers that spring flowers of adoration. No matter the duration, your smile incites the incineration of my troubles, beaming like the summer sun. Natural and mesmerizing, your beauty is akin to the leaves in autumn. Like winter's snow, the cool of your presence chills my essence, calming."

-A. Lewis

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Brief Philosophy: Talent - 8/14/10

‎"The thing about doesn't just course through your rushes feverishly throughout your soul, searching in earnest for a way out, some type of creative outlet...and when it cannot find one, it just fidgets, creating feelings of restlessness, angst, and other troubling afflictions. Festering talent creates a severe imbalance between the physical and spiritual planes…your ability to create begins to far exceed your creative actions; the result is an adverse change in the mental plane, which will naturally wrack itself to correct the issue. Those in the throes of said wracking have been known to be driven mad by it."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Limbo - 8/14/10

‎"You said you cared but the love we shared was ensnared in sexual relations, only intimate on occasions...despite deep feelings, I left you, which left me reeling. Those feelings have dissipated and I've found someone...yet as anticipated, here you are. The moon to my emotions, rising my oceans to ruin chances of finding what romance is. I try to move forward, you pull me back...feelin' like Limbo is where I'm at..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: You Ran Your Dream Away - 8/14/10

"You take my sincerity for an act. You take my honesty for a lie. You take my kind words for chicanery. You take my openness for deception. You take my concern for some convoluted form of egoism. Things were once done behind your back. Upon turning around, they were done in your face. Now you look at everything differently. Before I fulfill your nightmares, I'll leave. Just know you ran your dream away."

-A. Lewis

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Brief Philosophy: Car Care - 8/9/10

"Many men aren't helping to maintain what attracted them to young ladies...that's like finding a car you LOVE, but not keeping it up. You can't get mad when those rims don't shine or the engine doesn't run well; all you did was ride and showboat. Care must be taken, attention be given, effort be put in, and love be shown. Otherwise, you'll just keep running down cars until your credit's too shot to even get one."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: The Gritty Truth - 8/9/10

"You don't know what beautiful is...but you want to find out, so you flaunt your chest and stick your behind out. Behind doubts are fears that you're visually inadequate, which makes your trust inaccurate and your defenses slack a bit as you strive to be immaculate, loving compliments and driven by the aggregate. But you had to exchange for delaying your tears and allaying your fears, each guy had to hit."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: College - 8/9/10

‎"In the pursuit of knowledge, he went to college; but when he got there, he found much more. Guys would touch more, girls didn't ask 'what for.' Guys were proud to be players and girls had game that they ran smoother than Gale Sayers, bearing down to get the d*ck and their but kissed. Home was secure and grounded; college left him unsure yet unbounded, looking to be inured with the truth, no matter how it sounded."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: Malnourished Young Ladies - 8/9/10

"The soul, like the mind and body, requires alimentary intake. Many young ladies these days have malnourished souls; they need love, yet instead they look for affection and pleasure. Like a person who eats nothing but sweets, their souls become insatiable and ill, afflicted with ire, sadness, loneliness, and the like, all while craving more of the same; the pleasure of sin becomes their only reprieve from the pain."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Loop A Fiasco - 8/9/10

"You always choose men that follow where the a*s dig for gold, searching for a cash give them whatever they ask fo', but do they pay you back? No. You must daydream in the sunshine about the 'real' being a superstar that stays tilted, because when it comes to men, you just always seem to loop a fiasco, consuming food and liquor chasing the cool, feeling worthless like a firefly that lacks glow."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Lack of Faith - 8/9/10

‎"I apologize if I'm being diagnostic but your lack of faith has me thinking you're's not all your fault you lost it, but you tossed it to guys who'd tell lies to cross it while looking for that pink faucet. Those plumbers were ignorant and belligerent like Wario; yet instead of looking for a Princess like Mario, they were breaking bricks and chasing mushrooms."

-A. Lewis

Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Poem: The Nice Guy - 8/8/10

"I'm so honest that you think I'm lying...but I can respect that. You have trust issues because you've had your trust misused and now that your trust is bruised you refuse to reuse it, fearing another will abuse it. Don't confuse it, I do plan to use it, but only as a bridge between hearts and I promise to cruise it, not moving too fast since you consider the future a new past. You passed up many good men to date the decent ones, who turned out to be better than the recent ones. Your dating history is like a litany of mystery leading to pain and misery, wondering who they were mentally always eventually became the problem centrally because no matter how much you all got to know each other physically, they were strangers essentially. Before focusing on being into me, I simply want you to be a friend to me; then you'll see what a friend should be, and maybe what love could begin to be. I'm a firm believer in 'friends first,' without it, relationships just seem to end worse. Bend first, break second, scar third. But there's no emotional cocoa butter, and you can't be tougher, that just makes people rougher. You should just be a lover and use understanding as a buffer to smother any malice, be it apparent or undercover. Understand that a man without civic responsibility is a viable liability when it comes to dependability as he'll think his ego comes first, fundamentally. Understand that a man without moral fiber is an undermanned fighter in the war of the righteous, which makes him susceptible to testing the flexible properties of the truth, bending it to his will, altering it for a thrill, adjusting it to accommodate a frill. Keep in mind and bear in heart that a man's motives are like coals to locomotives, while intentions are just engineers; trust engineers barriers but dark motives are like harriers dropping bombs of lies so that safeguards meet their demise. You've been a victim, but you're no longer with them. Their desperation for sexual elation may have left your heart in a state of desolation, but your determination for the termination and extermination of any scars undergoing fermentation has planted seeds of change and brought about their germination. From the ashes of emotional clashes, a rose grows. Other buds are sprouting as happiness is mounting and attention is rerouting from the past to the future. Time was the disinfectant, acceptance the scab, self-forgiveness the suture. Pain and blame were synonymous...with them gone your joy is anonymous. No one thing brings it about, it's one thing you can't do without. You've come such a long way. Progress is a process; it's about moving forward and accepting no less. Now that you're in a new place, how about a new face? I'm only the nice guy, the 'we just had a conversation that will change your life' guy."

-A. Lewis

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Brief Philosophy: The True Problem With Technology - 8/5/10

"The true problem with technology is that we too often lose sight of what's helping us, what's supplanting us, and what's simply pandering to our desire to see progress. With the lines blurred, we continue to encroach on our natural abilities by focusing on our ability to function with ease, through technology. Our paradigms are being shifted in an unforeseen direction."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Behind the Scenes of Taking A Chance - 8/5/10

‎"A wound taken in honesty is healed through courage. As I smile on the surface, a tempest of nerves churns, doing me a great disservice. This work is nerve-wracking, building the confidence I'm lacking to speak an inquiry worth asking. Done basking in the moment, my words become weapons, potent. Will they knock down walls, creating an avenue for having you? Or will your fears of tears make them cut me like shears..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Why I'm Celibate - 8/5/10

‎"Matters of the heart are delicate. That's why I'm celibate; there's a learning curve to love and I'm trying to stay ahead of it. Love takes balance, so why risk upsetting it when we can commit to a rhetoric of betterment until we feel like we can love to no detriment. Sex twines souls and weaves connections of depth; If neither mind is right then perceptions are left to be lost in the translation of interpretation."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Step Your Worth Up - 8/5/10

‎"I'm a young man different from any you've ever get me, you're going to have to reveal things you've never shown. But since you rarely leave much to the imagination, and are accustomed to unjust adulation, I'll leave you alone, unless you reach the graduation of maturation. Oversaturation should be a showed it all for dollars, trying to be a dime, which isn't worth much...step your worth up."

-A. Lewis

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Poem: Realize Yourself, Young Lady - 8/2/10

I am well aware that you would sell a share of your soul just to feel whole, but the hole can't be filled with frills and thrills; copious coitus can't ever conquer what that void is. You back a 'love' of wealth, but it stems from a lack of love for self. Your heart is screaming out and the only one who can hear her is in the mirror. Give yourself compliments to complement what an accomplishment it is to be a young woman of astonishment. Your intelligence relegates your beauty to irrelevance, while your eloquence demands reverence. Elegance is an exuded trait, which expunged excess like jealousy, envy, and included hate. You're great...and like a horizontal figure eight, what you offer is infinite but you're risking it by keeping locked away as you block the way to your soul. Your sole purpose should be to shine your light, not to shine your might at your essence, showing that you can resist love's blessings. It's extraneous and heinous the way you pain us. Us meaning the good guys who get overlooked because of the good lies that overtook your insecurities. In securing these beliefs of mine, I find that my heart and mind are now intertwined through my soul with the whole of myself as the knot. I just want to see you with the same peace of mind. I'll even give you a piece of mine if you'll give me a piece of time to show you the peace of time with a peaceful mind like mine. In time you'll find that a guy like me is the reason and the rhyme...because for no rhyme or reason, you'll one day understand that the treason committed against your feelings was meant to start a journey that would impart the wisdom needed for you to open your heart. I just hope that I'm well aware of when you don't desire to sell a share of your soul to feel whole because the hole is filled with a holy feel that comes from a love of self and the Man Above; I'd love to be blessed with a woman that knows she holds the key to her best.

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Stay Strong - 8/2/10

"For every time I thought I was right, but got it wrong...I gotta stay strong. For every time it was too late or it took too long...I gotta stay strong. Love is much better than these cheap imitations...and I'll never again settle for mere iterations...all of these scars are paving the way...pointing to where I'll find love one day...but until then, I'll love myself; I won't fret being alone...I gotta stay strong..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Renaissance Woman - 8/2/10

"Yes the girl's fancy but she isn't conceited...she lets me pull her chair out so she can be seated...she accentuates her body without showing skin...her body is bangin but her best assets lie within...all you see is her smile, but there's more behind she has a view on every subject and can define well-rounded as they come, she's a renaissance to give compliments as they keep comin'..."

-A. Lewis

A Message from God (this came to me after praying on July 28th) - 8/2/10

And the Lord said unto me: "You are cut from a very different cloth. Many will love you for your comfort and feel, but many more will misunderstand your texture. Do not tailor yourself to those who cannot appreciate your hem, for you are woven in my image; that is enough for those that matter. To find your mate, you must search and match by threadcount."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: My Angle On Rap - 8/2/10

‎"I don't have much to talk about...I didn't grow up dad never left...nor was my mother strung out on coke...I had a family, got much of what I wanted...there's a cloud 9, but I didn't grow up on it...while I never struggled for necessities, I struggled internally incessantly...the parasites of doubt infested me, I couldn't invest in me...but all you saw were clothes...even all of the "hi's" were lows..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Scarred Woman (just experimenting with wordplay) - 8/2/10

"I can see the scars on your heart...scars are the start of anguish as you languish the demons you can't vanquish...the only way to heal is to deal with how you feel...while you seal the pain away, you reel the same sharks to blood these boys are quick to turn dirt to mud, doing wrong and washing their hands with must resolve to dissolve the revolving self-love issues keeping you from evolving."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: There Once Was A Boy - 8/2/10

‎"There once was a boy who went on an odyssey to become a commodity...he had no pride, which was no oddity...he used girls like elevators, each one meant to make him feel greater...there was one that stuck by him, but she ended up stuck by him as other girls would 'hi, fellate, and bye' him...but that's why he kept her around, guaranteed attention when girls weren't abound...his immaturity would taint purity..."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philsophy: Muddy Women - 8/2/10

"Don't do dirt and then wash your hands in a young lady's tears. Leaving her muddy will only make the next guy's job extremely arduous. Instead of building trust, he'll be stuck trying to clean her off...and whether she's disgusted by it (scorned) or stained by it (sad), she won't be the same. The only true wash is moving forward...and many men after you will be used to do so."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: Impossibility - 8/2/10

A person's definition of, and respect for, impossibility is directly related to their imagination, their grasp ON (not of) reality, and their willingness to go beyond either or both, or the lack thereof.

-A. Lewis