Sunday, July 21, 2013

Her Temple...and the Poetry That Ensued

...and when she undressed,
I saw her temple as it was intended.
Divinely built,
A place of placid power and graceful purpose...
It was poetry in motion...
Time is an endless pad,
And we wrote on our own terms.
Acting out our own words,
Indulging in passionate verbs...
Doing whatever our souls impelled us to do.
True free verse.
Our bodies were writing separately,
But our souls aligned from time-to-time,
Creating powerful rhymes.
So much emotion in every line...
My length flirted with her depth,
Two different ways to reach a climax.
A combustible combination.
Fiery sensations that could burn the imagination,
Similes struggling to convey the sensations.
I had never been so stirred...
My perception was so stimulated that it blurred,
Love was all I saw,
Beauty was all I heard.
For the feeling, I had no words.
Neither did she...
So we spoke with our bodies.
Adjectives colored our eyes with rosy hues...
Adverbs rushed through our veins,
Admonishing us to indulge intensely, move intimately.
Nouns experiencing the formation of sentences,
We became poets in those instances...
But never did I forget that I was visiting her temple.
Worshipping through unspoken words...
Allowed entry by faith,
Tearing down the walls to find a deeper place.
No longer bound by time or space,
I felt my spirit surge forth...
A moment of the truest vulnerability.
I was naked,
The way I was intended.
Her temple undressed me...
I felt its power and purpose...
A blessing bestowed upon my devotion.
All had come full circle...
It was poetry in motion.

-A. Lewis

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