Begin us on a journey of knowledge.
We'll learn the balances between our strengths and weaknesses...
To the right person, imperfections can be flawless.
Ignite the flame.
Fuel the fire.
Incite my imagination,
Penetrate my passion,
Intrigue my soul.
Reach deeply,
As deeply as you've been hurt.
I'll meet you halfway; you'll never do all of the work.
Leave your past behind you.
I promise never to remind you,
Never to use scars as examples to rewind to,
Never to use your insecurities as a way to confine you.
Never to use your fears as a way to malign you.
I'd much rather define you...
See what's special about the way the Creator designed you.
I know I was put here for a purpose; I want to know if you think you're divine too.
We just might build a pyramid from the ground up...
It's key that we're starting from the bottom.
Bricks from our defenses are falling like leaves in autumn,
And they're dropping into all of the right places.
Piece by piece, forming a foundation at the right pace.
Stirring my soul has created a hurricane of honesty,
Washing upon the shores of your reluctance.
Barren fields absorb the pouring truth, bearing fruits of substance.
The parts of you that guys ignore,
The parts of you that you wish they would adore,
The parts of you that you didn't think were attractive anymore...
They all have bloomed anew.
That fire in me that you started? The Sun that helped them as they grew.
We never know the deeper meanings of the things we do...
So reach deeply,
As deeply as you've been hurt.
Intrigue my soul.
Penetrate my passion,
Incite my imagination.
Fuel the fire.
Ignite the flame.
To the right person, imperfections can be flawless.
We'll learn the balances between our strengths and weaknesses...
Begin us on a journey of knowledge.
-A. Lewis
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