Wednesday, August 24, 2011

College Girl, Parts 1 & 2 - 8/24/11

"I know you're out there somewhere...just getting home from the club, reminiscing on how good you looked in those heels as you take them off. You felt so wanted as guys tapped you; you left them wishing they'd 'tapped' you. Those libations kept coming, so those gyrations kept coming. No digits were given, but limits were living...that was the farthest you could go. College girl, I know the weekend's just a show. You'll regain your class before class.

But it's all love. You had to escape somehow, so you get lost in the club. School, work, the pressures of being sociable. It's amazing you can handle all of that and still be approachable. You're so appreciated. Showing the dichotomy of student life, able to be promiscuous or a prudent wife. Applause and kudos are awarded to you. You deserve all opportunities and affection afforded to you. College girl, I know the weekend's just a show. You'll regain your class before class. On Monday morning, this is all just the past."

-A. Lewis

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