Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Freestyle Piece: Soulless Relationships - 8/24/11

"In and out of relationships...jumping from person to person, attempting to make sure the void doesn't worsen...everyone wants to find love, but no one is waiting; what's dating if your soul isn't participating? The mind can rationalize, and the heart can synthesize, but only the soul can harmonize. Where the mind can make believe and the heart can project, the soul only stirs when it's real. Show yourself what love is; don't just be shown how it feels..."

-A. Lewis

College Girl, Parts 1 & 2 - 8/24/11

"I know you're out there somewhere...just getting home from the club, reminiscing on how good you looked in those heels as you take them off. You felt so wanted as guys tapped you; you left them wishing they'd 'tapped' you. Those libations kept coming, so those gyrations kept coming. No digits were given, but limits were living...that was the farthest you could go. College girl, I know the weekend's just a show. You'll regain your class before class.

But it's all love. You had to escape somehow, so you get lost in the club. School, work, the pressures of being sociable. It's amazing you can handle all of that and still be approachable. You're so appreciated. Showing the dichotomy of student life, able to be promiscuous or a prudent wife. Applause and kudos are awarded to you. You deserve all opportunities and affection afforded to you. College girl, I know the weekend's just a show. You'll regain your class before class. On Monday morning, this is all just the past."

-A. Lewis

A Quote: Growth - 8/24/11

"Growth is often a journey that begins at courage, is paid for by will, travels on intent, and arrives at undiscovered knowledge that was made distant by ignorance and or inaccessible by fear."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: God Will Send A Farmer - 8/24/11

"I love that you can 'do it all on your own,' there's nothing wrong with it. However, someone told you the lie that you're not a strong woman if you 'need' a guy, and you went along with it. It takes the most strength to admit to being weak, just as it takes a moment of clarity to recognize that a situation is bleak. Sure, a charmer could benefit from a chink in your armor, but remember that where there is greatness to be cultivated, God will send a farmer."

-A. Lewis

The Media - 8/24/11

"Just as the media can present us with heroes, it can predispose us with enemies."

-A. Lewis

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Freestyling to Drake's "Headlines" - 8/2/11

"Known to spit fire, I'll send a beat to hell. That's only if you believe in God; if you don't, oh well. That's who I'll thank when I make it, He gave me this talent and no one here can take it. While you fake it 'til you make it, I make my claim and stake it: say I'm the greatest then drop great isht. That's how it goes when you've got it. I'm the one getting tagged on blogs; sorry, you're not it."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Diamonds and Pearls - 8/2/11

"I'd say you're a diamond, but you think you're a pearl. I see your love as a precious stone waiting to be unearthed, but you think it's closed away from the world. Dig as I may, I can't find a thing. I guess that's because you're waiting for your oyster's opening. I want to find your heart, set it with mine, & wear it to the world. Alas, you want it found & treasured, but stranded alongside those of other girls..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: What Are Goosebumps But Braille - 8/2/11

"What are goosebumps but braille...telling stories of your desires coming unbridled. I'll read so studiously, intimately, from end to end, only to begin again. Hot spots will be used to make you shiver; tales of sheer irony. And if your mind is an allegory, the depth of your love is mind-blowing. Each sensation brings new information. Your body is a library, and I'll read every book until I can please every nook..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: If I Find Love - 8/2/11

"If I find love, what does that mean? Have I searched for it proficiently? Maybe I've stumbled upon its whereabouts? Was love not ready for me, yet in my selfishness & perceived 'rite' to have it, I went out & expedited a process that was supposed to happen naturally? Did I find something different? An apparition, an expectation, a notion, a media-shaped dream, a false love that can never be, a love that isn't love?"

-A. Lewis

Dedicated to Amy Winehouse - 8/2/11

"The story is again told: potential becomes a vacuum to the soul when the past takes hold and the present feels cold. The future inverts and begins to encroach upon the now...and the only escape is through the aid of agents and substances. Pressure rises with the use of the talents; expectations build, destroying any balance. Under the encumbrance, the future disappears; all we are left with are questions and tears. Yet, judgment is not ours to pass. We know not what led to it all, or what caused it to pass. Simply pray for the life, a young flame too unstable to burn. If you have ever made your way out of an emotional hole, be thankful you were able to learn."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: Never-ending Cycles - 8/2/11

“Every never-ending cycle runs on the momentum from one common force: revenge. It is the one action that exists with no end to its beginnings, but only one beginning to its end, which is the conscious decision not to act. Without action, the flame of revenge has no fuel, even with constant provocation. Revenge has to manifest physically to exist; it is not a feeling, but an exacted response to one.”

-A. Lewis

Calling the Media Out on Its Brainwashing - 8/2/11

"From the moment they're old enough to understand it, young ladies are told that 'diamonds are forever,' and because of their longevity, they are THE symbols of love. BULL, SHIT. There's something that lasts longer and means more: memories. I want a young lady that cherishes them. Timeless moments of priceless emotions that are etched into the most precious of all materials: the conscious and unconscious."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: The Rebirth of Ambition - 8/2/11

"There are times when we feel empty...times when we wonder 'who's really with me.' Cold nights battled by burning throats and searing tears, faces charred by the manifestations of the very feelings that weren't supposed to see the outside world. Memories play God, taking life away from contentment just to give life to commitment; it is here, in this period of weakness, that we find the rebirth of ambition."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: A Win Without the Work? - 8/2/11

"I can't tell you that you're beautiful; you hear it too much. I can't show you that you're beautiful; you fear it too much. What's left for me to do? What's left for me and you? How do I make a connection when your ports are closed? I thought your courts were closed, but guys continue to run game. Desire to be caught, afraid to fall. How can you want the victory but be afraid to ball?"

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Dreams of Success - 8/2/11

"Dreams of success, nightmares of fame; it's like dreaming of victory, but having nightmares of the game. It's a shame that the two are so closely related, since one is earned and the other is mostly created. Many people want both, but often get lost; they chase fame and its allure, and pay the cost. Lights & cameras? Scrutiny & stress. Meant to make you squirm and break you down; that's why it's called the press."

-A. Lewis

On Any Given Day - 8/2/11

"On any given day, a body can be buried & tucked away for Father Time to slowly erode & return to Mother Earth. On every given day, a soul lives on with Father Time by taking residence in the hearts & minds of those still inhabiting Mother Earth. A physical attraction has a shelf life; a spiritual attraction is timeless. The hands of time dismantle lust with every tick; conversely, they build love brick by brick."

-A. Lewis