Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Poem: UniverSOUL - 9/19/10

When I call you beautiful, it's not based on your physique; it's the mystique of what lies deep within you. The breadth of your depth is astronomical, I don't think I could find a young lady more phenomenal. Your soul scintillates like the sun, with the best of you glimmering and the trail you blaze still simmering. Much like Mercury, you're the closest to adversity yet you hold yourself together perfectly. Urgency, emergency, pain, or doubt; akin to Venus, you face many trials and are shaped throughout. If that is the home of your gender, you exhibit the absolute best of its splendor, a strong woman with a heart tender. The beauty of life on Earth lies in your eyes, with the longevity in your mind, and the replenishment between your thighs. Your special light shines naturally and can be seen by any eye, just as Mars is the easiest planet to see unaided in the night sky. Your allure is gravitational; reminiscent of Jupiter's pull, which is sensational. Occasional mishaps do nothing to stymie the shining of your smile, ever present like the rings of Saturn, serving to enhance your celestial sexiness. A woman of your caliber gives a single man hope; like Uranus, you deserve to be the first planet a man discovers with his telescope. While passion burns on the inside, you remain cool on the out, similar to Neptune. You've kept room for love, though it's something you've yet to know; showing grace when slapped in the face, some men discredit you like Pluto and you still let it go. You and your planetary traits have me planning every date with something new in mind, too inclined to simply sit and talk with you rather than go out and walk with you. Conversations are like constellations, the right words like stars lighting up the sky of my mind. Getting through your asteroid belt of walls took plenty of work, but it means the world to know what you are truly worth. Everything about you represents something different, and I discover more as we become intimate. Inclement weather couldn't stop me from stargazing upon your dreams; I love you universal woman, as sure as the sun beams.

-A. Lewis

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