Monday, July 4, 2011

A Brief Philosophy: Promiscuity and Character Flaws - 7/4/11

"No amount of penis can fill the void left by a lack of self-love, just as no amount of vagina can provide the security and shelter of true self-acceptance. In exchange for pieces of themselves, women and men will lie together nightly, taking willingness for attraction and pleasure for comfort. Aware of their problems, they look for literal solutions. There's no physical fix though; they require paradigm shifts."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: You've Grown Cold - 7/4/11

"You believe that you're prone to being alone; the truth is that you've simply grown cold & no longer want to hold on, or hold out. It's cold out, & you've acclimated yourself to the chilling lies & frigid shoulders that come with the territory of loving while getting older. There's no blame, no fault. Rather than point fingers, focus on bringing the chill that lingers to a halt. Let your warm soul thaw your heart."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: The tumblr Chick - 7/4/11

"...and I'm really feeling her tumblr. It makes me wonder what types of thoughts wander through her mind at any given time. How well-versed is she? Only time will tell. However, her blog is a good show, a positive sign of the time she's spent ascending to a higher level of thought, caring more about what she likes than what's hot, more about what's learned than what's bought..."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: The Drake Flow - 7/4/11

"I'm tired of missing women...but I'm the reason other men are missing women. Take their girls & make them distant women; they need help being stuck up, I put them on assisted living. It's ironic: I take them with consistent giving. Hit 'em in the suite that isn't lived in, show 'em an entourage, no Jeremy Piven. I'll spend your paycheck on sipping, your salary on shopping; but money can't stop tears from dropping.."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: One of Those Average Young Ladies - 7/4/11

"You make poor decisions with your heart, but won't own up to it; so you say 'all men are dogs' then pick ones that will live up to it. Assured pain is easier to deal with than the unexpected kind, but staying in the same situation hurts the chances of an unexpected find. Misery loves company, so your girls cosign those guys; it's only so you can join the club when you fall for most lies. Try picking the Most High.."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Let Yourself Get Close to Me - 7/4/11

"Stop worrying about all the things I'm supposed to be...just let yourself get close to me. Supposedly, all I want to do is lay with you; why wouldn't I want to stay with you? I could go to a play with you, waste a day with you, even study my life away with you. However, you have a lot of food for thought, and it's not a plate for two. No sweet nothings, this is a full course of genuineness, and it's great for you."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Trust Issues - 7/4/11

"Forgive me for caring, for sharing myself and daring myself to let the past go to grab hold of a new future. All I ended up doing was moving from the last hole to a new suture. Gaps in my perception arise from every recollection of your deflections of my feelings: good is unfamiliar, real is unexpected. Honesty honestly gets trumped by assumptions a game is being run on issues are what's wrong with me..."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: Both Sides of Falling in Love - 7/4/11

"Falling in love walks the faint line between good & bad in the dichotomy of the human experience, for it can be the beginning of an end or the end of a beginning. The former speaks on the descent into the maelstrom that is heartbreak, brought on by incongruent spirits trying to mesh. The latter lauds the phenomenon of joined spirits, the newfound harmony of two hearts cohabitating in one emotional space."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: My Honesty Shall Speak - 7/4/11

"There will come a time when words will fail...memories will beckon, fears will implore, & actions will speak. Pain bellows in a baritone that could shake the foundation of a civilization. Trepidation whispers in the background; the past orates corroboration for the irrationality. It is at this time that my honesty will ring forth through the bedlam, recalling the genuineness that hoists it above coerced distrust."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: Our Shadows - 7/4/11

"In most cases, the future is the light at the end of the tunnel we call the present. When headed in the right direction, our shadows stand behind us as embodied monuments to the darkness we have left behind and overcome. Conversely, when headed away from the opportunities and light of the future, our shadows loom before us as portentous spectres embodying the darkness we're heading toward."

-A. Lewis