Monday, October 18, 2010

A Freestyle Piece: Emotional Warfare, Fighting For Affection - 10/18/10

‎"We fight to love, we fight to hate; yet when the battle is done, whether it's lost or won, we never account for the scars we accumulate. Emotional warfare is the most intense of any kind; it drains any heart and troubles any mind. Finding love is difficult, keeping it can be strenuous; but when you look back, will it all seem tenuous? Pick thy bouts wisely, each takes a toll; don't end up single, battered, and old."

-A. Lewis

Just Some Thoughts - 10/18/10

Some women don't give good guys a chance because they don't want to be wrong. They would rather crusade and be as ornery as possible. Saying that there are no good men means that the women aren't at fault, that THEY don't need to change. Accountability and responsibility are defenestrated. Let's do better people...if you get it wrong, admit it, work on yourself, and look for new things. *this goes BOTH ways*

-A. Lewis

A Quote: Defining Woman - 10/18/10

‎"There are billions of women in the world. Yet for everything they have to offer, they aren't you. You're the only defining woman in my world. You've changed my entire concept of what a woman is, and your love leaves me wondering just what a woman can be. While others reach for the stars, the moon is a mere pearl on your necklace; the sun's glow is in your smile and eyes. You make every day a discovery of greatness."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Insecurity Is Quite The Deceiver - 10/18/10

‎"You feel as though your walls have your heart in security...insecurity is quite the deceiver. Conceiver of the negative when it doesn't exist, believer of the negative because you insist. The shadows of past men are now cast over and far past men, bright futures encumbered by the darkness, assumed to be heartless. The starkness of your scars is hard to bear; the softness of your heart is hard to share."

-A. Lewis

Giving Thanks - 10/18/10

"I thank God for granting me the serenity to see the beauty in simplicity, the wisdom to see purpose in tribulations, and the goodness of heart to see and bring out the best in people. I was given the tools to make a difference; to this point, I believe I have. I've given a lot of advice, and even prevented someone from committing suicide once. I'll continue to do my best, I'm glad you're all along for the ride."

-A. Lewis

A Quote: The 1000 Words of Your Picture - 10/18/10

"If a picture is worth a thousand words, then yours is a brief expository piece on the many ways that inner beauty permeates the surface, through mediums such as a graceful smile, a stylish show of class, a candid glimpse of humour, or an effulgent aura of striking qualities, all indicative of woman that lies within."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: The Dynamic of MLK vs X - 10/18/10

‎"The dynamic of MLK vs X was critical. Martin preached love, affection over ire. He wanted nonviolence to be the answer that came from the heart. Malcolm was much more militant, preaching necessity over patience. He felt that the ONLY answer was Black mobilization, be it for fair enfranchisement or pan-Africanism. They represented both sides of the spectrum, with the attainment of rights squarely in the middle."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: When The Righteous Have No Place - 10/18/10

‎"Nothing in this world is more troubling than when people are punished and or reprimanded for doing the right thing, for this can only mean that those in power have their roots in evil, that the power itself is steeped in malice, and that the power benefits the unscrupulous and enables the heinous. When the righteous have no place, the world hath no peace, and shall be encumbered with the unrest of victimization."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: Racism, the Open Wound - 10/18/10

"Neither speaking nor acting on an overt and polarizing problem such as racism is much like leaving an open wound untreated; there will be some amount of natural healing through peacekeepers, appeasement, and ears turned deaf, but without the proper cleanse of denouncement of misconduct, agreements, and steps toward equality en masse, the infections of hatred, bigotry, and racial discrimination are bound to occur."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: Do You Know Lust? - 10/18/10

‎"Do you know lust? The feeling of never properly dealing with needing sexual healing because of a glass ceiling imposed by your desires? The fires of passion burn brightly; and as one yearns mightily, restraint yields to satisfaction. The actions justify the traction lost in deception...slipping through lies to slip through thighs with no contraception. Discord is sewn, yet you reap an internal discord of your own."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: What Makes Me A Man - 10/18/10

"I am not a man by virility, but by responsibility. Gentility stretches farther than my penis ever could, and will generate the respect that sex never would. Good men see the strength in kindness, the power in restraint; the fortitude of ethics, and the effects of character on the pictures we paint. Peer perception means nothing next to clear reception of intents, which makes an impression that intelligence indents."

-A. Lewis

Friday, October 1, 2010

A Freestyle Piece: How It Looks From Here - 9/30/10

"Everywhere I turn, women yearn for the burn of playing with fire; when will they learn? So concerned with avoiding pain, they end up devoid of gain in a void of shame for dating more of the same. More of the rain falls; puddles of tears become lakes of fears, deepened by recollections of rejections over the years. Dejection veers down the path of pessimism, where people face trials just to miss the lessons in them."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: The Truth About Puppy Love - 9/30/10

‎"Be not a victim of attraction borne out of a desire for affection/attention; that creates 'puppy'/'blind' love, one that sees no wrong even when it's overt. Despite knowing right from wrong, that desire engenders naivete, the most unintentionally potent skewer of judgment. Nothing will be as it seems; rose-colored glasses will prevent you from seeing someone's true colors, until reality's vibrance shatters them."

-A. Lewis

A Brief Philosophy: A Great Lover Is A Craftsman - 9/30/10

"Much like with constructing an edifice, when building a love, the true problem with setbacks is not the halting of progress, but the effort being put into returning to where you were before. Structural integrity can be damaged when small problems are detected; they must be rectified before progress continues. Quality requires attention to detail; a great lover is a craftsman, creating new and better ways to build."

-A. Lewis

A Freestyle Piece: How The Friend Zone Feels - 9/30/10

‎"You're so afraid of falling that you look down at your feet instead of what's in front of you; when I'm no longer standing here, what are you gonna do? Need I remind you that I've been beside and behind you? I find you to be amazing and I thank you for raising my standards, but I've been here too long. You long for affection yet you're afraid to receive it; you found a good one but you're too hurt to believe it."

-A. Lewis

A Bedtime Story - 9/30/10 (originally written on 9/24/10)

There once was a lamb named Pam.
Pam loved a lamb named Sam.
They frolicked and giggled,
Eating peaches and pickles,
Until they heard a loud bam.

The sound left them scared.
Apprehension was shared.
They looked around,
Heard another sound,
Then Sam got prepared.

He was ready to fight for his lady.
The one he wanted to carry his baby.
Sam then saw a person,
His anxiety worsened,
He knew humans could be crazy.

Pam ran near the human and shouted with glee.
Sam didn't know what was going on and went to go see.
The human felled a fruit tree for its wood,
Telling Pam and Sam to eat all they could,
And that a family is what they should be.

The human decided to help Pam and Sam.
He helped them birth a healthy little lamb.
As the baby would grow,
The human would show,
That animals can peacefully coexist with man.

The end.

-A. Lewis